Richard Everitt
Department of Statistics
Office: MSB 3.09

- Inference for models in statistical genetics, particularly for pathogen
- Inference for environmental and ecological models, including individual-based model
- Inference for models in neuroscience
- Stock assessment for fisheries
Selected publications:
A Gill, J Koskela, X Didelot, RG Everitt (2023) Bayesian Inference of Reproduction Number from Epidemiological and Genetic Data Using Particle MCMC, arXiv.
FJ Medina-Aguayo, X Didelot, RG Everitt (2023) Speeding up inference of homologous recombination in bacteria, to appear in Bayesian Analysis.
JW Watson, R Boyd, R Dutta, G Vasdekis, ND Walker, S Roy, RG Everitt, K Hyder, RM Sibly (2023) Incorporating environmental variability in a spatially-explicit individual-based model of European sea bass, Ecological Modelling 466, 109878.