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MSc Project Proposals

We would like to invite project proposals for the Analytical and the Polymer MSc projects. This year, we have 31 MSc students on Analytical and Polymer MSc courses; each of them will undertake a 20-week project (please note this includes the write-up time). During the 20-week period, students will have 1 week to take either as annual leave or to use to work on their project. Planned project dates are outlined below. Project supervisors are encouraged to attend the two events listed in bold (the mid-project poster presentation, and the final presentations) to provide feedback to their supervisees. If you are unable to attend, we ask that you identify someone willing or able to mark in your place and notify this to the PG Admin team.

Project timeline:

A key objective of these projects is to immerse each student in a research environment which addresses innovative science. We particularly welcome collaborative projects between Industry and the University.

Project supervisors who do not have a permanent university post or who are on probation must identify an academic member of staff who has agreed to mentor them by providing support and advice. The mentor also needs to agree to meet with the student briefly on a weekly basis.

The projects are assessed by:
  • Thesis, c.10,000 words (70%)
  • Presentation: poster (5%) and final presentation (15%)
  • Project Execution (10%)

All supervisors will be additionally required to second mark a thesis of another student (i.e. two theses to mark per each project student).

Students are advised that project deadlines are very strict and penalties will be imposed for late submission.

Each student will be allocated a project consumables budget of £500.

We ask that your project proposal address the following three key areas:

  • Background to project
  • Programme of work
  • Skills to be learned
Please submit your proposals in pdf format (1 page max) using the form below before midday on Monday 27 January 2025
If you are submitting more than one project proposal, please submit a separate entry and pdf for each project.

Submission form:

Who is the project for? (required)

Supervisor 1

Second/Industry co-supervisor (optional)
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