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Nafiz Biswas


I hold a first class intercalated masters degree in biomedical engineering, having graduated from Imperial College London in 2021. This degree introduced me to many aspects of medical device design, but it was my final masters project that introduced me to electrochemistry. The project, supervised by Dr Danny O’Hare, used chronoamperometry to create a porous gold matrix on a gold, disk electrode in the hopes that fouling due to albumin and other proteins found in blood could be reduced when compared to a blank gold electrode.

This work pushed me to seek out other projects developing electrochemical sensors for use in medical settings, which lead me to Warwick.


Current Work

Currently a third year PhD student working under Prof. Julie Macpherson and Dr Tania Read, my project is focused on developing a boron doped diamond based transcutaneous monitoring device. I have developed many new skills since starting the project including laser micromachining of diamond, sputtering of metallic contacts, finite element modelling, and electrode fabrication amongst many other things!

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