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Guide for Presenters


The official language of the conference is English, which will be used for all presentations and printed materials. Authors are expected to present their papers in person at the conference.

Oral Presentation

The time allocated for oral presentations is:

  Talk Time (Mins) Question Time (Mins) Total Time (Mins)
Plenary Talk 18 2 20
Invited Talk 25 5 30
Contributed Oral Presentation 12 3 15
Invited Poster Presentation 5 0 5
Industrial Short Talk 8 0 8

Session Chairpersons will enforce the strict time limits in order to maintain the conference schedule.

Presentations have to be uploaded in the conference laptop via a USB flash drive. The conference laptop is running under Windows 10. Using your own laptops for presentations is not allowed. Accepted formats for the presentation files are ppt or pdf. Use slides sized for 16:9 and screen resolution should be 1920x1080px to fit the screen size in the conference auditorium.

Please, bring your presentation on a USB key in a designated auditorium at least during the latest break before the session starts. Technicians, located at the entrance of the auditorium, will be at your service to upload your presentation and to check the compatibility of your presentation. You are also invited to bring your presentation files much in advance (for instance the day before the corresponding session). It would be very useful if you could name your digital file with the code for your talk as shown in the programme e.g. MO.02.01; TH.04.03 etc as this will expedite the loading process - Our support team will be on hand to assist you!

In the case of using any multimedia files either separately or embedded in your power point presentation, please send the full set of presentation files to before the conference starting day to ensure their smooth playback.


There will be 2 Chairpersons for each session. Their role and duties are:

– to ensure that the presenters are there for the session and have their presentations uploaded;

– to manage the time for each speaker and the overall timing of the session;

– to manage the questions, both in terms of the respect of the order of questions and the time of the question period;

– to quell any possible discussions during the question time.

Poster Presentations

Posters will be presented during 3 specific afternoon sessions, from Monday through Wednesday. All authors are expected to be present during the Poster Sessions to be able to engage in fruitful discussions. Poster sessions will take place on the Gallery of Hall 3.

The size of all posters should be 84.1 cm x 118.9 cm (A0 format), vertically orientated (portrait) to fit the poster board (99 cm wide and 234 cm high). No moving parts and 3D installations are allowed at poster sessions. Authors are responsible for setting up and removing their presentation materials. The posters have to be mounted on poster boards during the first coffee break on the day of designated Posted Session. The poster number will be displayed in the upper part of the poster board. The VELCRO stick on strips will be provided. All posters (except invited posters) must be removed at the end of the poster session. The venue staff will discard any posters that are not removed by the authors. The Organising Committee are not responsible for posters not collected by the authors.

Additional guide for Invited Poster Presentations

Invited posters will be introduced at the end of plenary session on Monday morning (5 minutes, no questions) and displayed throughout the conference, Monday through Thursday. Authors of invited posters are requested to be available near their posters at least during the designated Poster Session and are also expected to be available as much as possible during the other Poster Sessions to promote discussions and exchange among participants.

The available space for invited posters is two posters located side-by-side. Authors of invited posters are requested to put up their posters on the alloted poster board during the first coffee break on Monday. Please refer to the programme for the specific location for your poster. The poster number will be displayed in the upper part of the poster board. Invited posters must be removed at lunch time on Thursday. The venue staff will discard any posters that are not removed by the authors. The Organising Committee are not responsible for posters not collected by the author.