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Samuel Forbes

Sam's PhD was conferred in 2022.

Sam was a MathSys PhD student interested in applying data analysis and mathematical modelling towards discovering and explaining relationships in macroeconomics. In particular Sam was researching the wealth distribution through analysing UK data and applying agent based models to uncover potential factors underlying the distribution.

Sam was a Stats Teaching fellowLink opens in a new window for 2021-2022.

Sam's supervisors were Dr Stefan Grosskinsky and Dr Alexander Karalis Isaac.


-A Study of UK Household Wealth through Empirical Analysis and a Non-linear Kesten Process, with S. Grosskinsky, PLOS ONE, 2022


2017-2018: MSc in Mathematics for Real World Systems, University of Warwick

Sam's MSc project focused on the inverse relationship between the mostly neglected 'velocity of money' and the increase in wealth inequality seen since the 1980s. The hypothesis was that increased wealth inequality lead to an increase in the proportion of money kept by wealthier people that did not contribute to GDP thus lowering the frequency of GDP related transactions as measured by velocity.

2014-2015: MSc in Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Logic, University of Manchester

Completed dissertation in the area of tropical mathematics. The name tropical is in honour of the Brazilian Imre Simon who was one of the founders of the field. The dissertation focused on relating results in linear algebra and convexity to tropical semimodules.

2010-2014: BSc Mathematics, University of York

Conferences and Summer Schools:

-March 2022 - speaker at Warwick Statistics 2022 departmental conference at Gregynog

-July 2021 - participated in LML 2021 summer schoolLink opens in a new window on project entitled 'The evolution of income or wealth distribution with higher order autoregressive processes'

-June 2021 - speaker at Oxford SIAM student chapter conference

-Jan. 2021 - speaker at the Ergodicity Conference 2021 organised by the London Mathematical Laboratory

-June 2020 - speaker at the Oxford summer school in economic networks

-Feb. 2019 - co-organised and speaker at MiR@W the Dynamics of Money



-Teaching assistant and marker for CS137 Discrete Mathematics and it's Applications 2

-Marker for CS260 Algorithms


-Teaching assistant and marker for CS137 Discrete Mathematics and it's Applications 2

Previous Experience:

2016-2017: Mathematics teaching experience in schools in Coventry and Birmingham.

2013: 2 month internship at the Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC) in Sheffield involving a project in deep hole drilling and boring.

Non-Academic Interests:

I like playing many different sports. I played on badminton and basketball teams in school and university and enjoy Warwick sport rock up and play sessions.