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Cancer Research Centre News

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Breast Cancer UK - Newsletter

Fri 16 Jun 2023, 09:22 | Tags: cancer research

University of Warwick Professor awarded Royal Society’s Davy Medal for pioneering research into ‘Metals in Medicine’

  • Professor Sadler is this year’s recipient of the Royal Society’s Davy Medal.
  • Recognises his work in using inorganic metals in medicine, pioneering the research field of medicinal inorganic chemistry.
  • Research includes targeting cancer cells with the metal iridium – thought to have arrived on Earth via the asteroid that caused the dinosaurs’ extinction.
Wed 24 Aug 2022, 13:14 | Tags: cancer research

6 of the biggest good news cancer stories of 2021

2021 may not have been the year anyone expected, with COVID-19 still making its presence known in our lives and around the world.

But a lot of progress has still been made. From promising new cancer drugs to trialling a cancer blood test, here are some of the top good news stories from the year.

Tue 11 Jan 2022, 08:44 | Tags: Cancer Research Newsletter, cancer research, Health GRP

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