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Inaugural advisory group meeting

Three speakers gave short talks on the nature and function of Warwick Evidence. Take a look at their presentations below

Professor Ken Stein:
What Are HTAs?
Dr Peter Davidson
Prof Andrew Stevens
NICE Technology Appraisals
  • Professor Ken Stein, Peninsula Medical School

Professor Stein set up the Peninsula Medical School technology appraisal group - PenTAG. His research interests include: the measurement and valuation of health in HTA; the use of mathematical modelling as part of planning and management in the NHS; and the case finding and management of hepatitis C. He will be talking about how to do technology appraisals - and problems and pitfalls.

  • Dr Peter Davidson, Director of Science Support at the NETSCC, HTA

Dr Davidson’s work areas have included leading the HTA Clinical Trials work stream, systematic reviewing and economic evaluation at Southampton Health Technology Assessments Centre and series editor of the Health Technology Assessment journal. He will be talking about the role of HTA in Technology Appraisals.

  • Professor Andrew Stevens, Professor of Public Health, University of Birmingham

Founding member of Euroscan group for Monitoring emerging Medical Technologies; first director of the National Co-ordination Centre for Health Technology Assessment, and co-director of the NHS National Horizon Scanning Centre at Birmingham. Professor Stevens is Chair of one of NICE's Technology Appraisal Committees and he will be talking to us about the role of NICE in Technology Appraisals.