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Bristol Radiology Forms


What follows are the links to three online CT/MRI forms that need to be completed by Bristol Royal Infirmary.

(Before selecting and completing a specific form, please read the instructions given below):

 Receipt of Scans Form

 Reporting Form 1 - Diagnostic Staging

Reporting Form 2. Response to CRT


Downloads for Radiology Procedures for CT/MRI Scans

Procedure to be Used Upon Receipt of CT-MRI Scans - This SOP describes the pathway and procedures to be followed by the Bristol Royal Infirmary when CT/MRI scans have been received from hospital sites.


CT/MRI Receipt of Scan Notification Form

The core lab at Bristol Royal Infirmary should use the Bristol CT/MRI Receipt of Scan form to notify the Trial Co-ordinator that CT and/or MRI scans have been received. Please complete a separate form for each patient.


CT/MRI Results of 2nd Reading Form

The core lab at Bristol Royal Infirmary should use the Bristol CT/MRI Reporting Form 1: Diagnostic Staging and/or the Bristol CT/MRI Reporting Form 2: Response to CRT, depending on the timepoint when the scan was done to notify the Trial Co-ordinator of the results of the 2nd reading. Please complete a separate form for each patient.