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Pulse Oximeter

The pulse oximeter tests:

  • how fast your heart is beating
  • how much oxygen is in your blood


How to use the pulse oximeter:

Instruction guides:

1. Wash your hands before and after use
2. Switch on the pulse oximeter using the black button

3. Attach the clip of the pulse oximeter to the finger (index finger) next to your thumb, or middle finger.

Make sure the finger used does not have any nail varnish or a false nail on it.

4. Watch the numbers on the pulse oximeter. Once the numbers have stopped changing, write the numbers in the table below

One number measures how fast your heart is beating. This is known as PR bpm

One number measures how much oxygen is in your blood. This is known as %Sp02






Please direct all enquiries to the iRehab team;

Kerry Raynes: Trial Manager

Louisa Edwards, Trial Coordinator

Katherine Jones, Research Fellow


Tel: 02476151367 (General Trial Team Number) or 024 7615 1763 (iRehab Research Fellow)