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Details of the Project

Foodbanks implemented in response to hunger.

Hunger in England has increased. We are conducting geospatial and temporal analysis to see whether malnutrition decreases when a foodbank is implemented. (Local authority.)

Factors associated with breast cancer screening uptake.

An international systematic review on factors associated with uptake of breast cancer screening. (UK National Screening Committee (NSC))

COVID-19 related systematic review on association between vitamin D and susceptibility.

Systematic review looking at evidence of any association between vitamin D supplementation or level and susceptibility to COVID-19 infection, including clinical course, morbidity and mortality outcomes. (Primary and secondary care/Commissioning Groups.)

COVID-19 related systematic review on cardiac arrest and infection risk.

Systematic review published rapidly looking into whether chest compressions or defibrillation cause aerosol generation and transmission of COVID-19 to rescuers. (ARC and Resuscitation Council UK)

Evaluation of AI in breast cancer screening.

Building on scoping review funded by PHE to extend the review and bring up to publication standard. (UK NSC, who part-funded with ARC.)

Promotion of health in the workplace (complete).

ARC WM is working with the office of the Mayor of the West Midlands to write up and disseminate results of a cluster RCT of 100 SMEs funded by Department of Health.

Routine data to evaluate social prescribing.

To evaluate social prescribing using routine data. (NHS England, who part-funded the project with ARC.)

Behavioural insights to overcome vaccine hesitancy in COVID-19.

A panel survey to find wording to maximise uptake of COVID-19 vaccine. (Public Health England.)

Implementation of remote consultations – reducing inequality of access.

BAME have lower access than other groups to virtual consulting. We are evaluating responses of people who have used these systems, stratified by ethnic group. (Primary care / industry.)

Intervention to support homelessness (Everybody In).

We are developing an intervention for homeless people. (Warwickshire Health Authority.)

Local authority public health research capacity and capability.

We made a successful bid to NIHR, on the basis of ARC WM collaboration, to build capacity in local authorities. (Department of Health.)

Supporting health care professionals to have healthy weight conversations with parents.

Our previous research identified barriers and possible solutions to having conversations with parents about their children with obesity. (We are working with Public Health England to develop interventions in primary care.)

Systematic review and time series of effectiveness of campaigns to increase testing for chlamydia.

University Hospitals Birmingham (UHBFT) run the Birmingham and Solihull sexual health services and we are evaluating campaigns to increase uptake of chlamydia testing in young adults. (UHBFT, PHE.)

Reducing over-prescribing opioids in primary care (PROMPPT).

Under ARC WM we developed a clinical pharmacist intervention to reduce opioid prescribing, which is now being evaluated through an NIHR programme grant. (PHE.)

Systematic review and network meta-analysis on primary prevention in cardiovascular disease.

Novel application of network meta-analysis to investigate factors associated with CVD morbidity and mortality. (NICE Guideline Development Group.)

Evaluation of Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships (STPs).

Mapping practice across the country with a view to a systematic study of their strengths and weaknesses of different models of integrated care.

Evaluation of health and social impact of Coventry City of Culture.

Study in low-income areas to see if there are any positive or negative health implications following the City of Culture year. (Local authorities.)