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Patient and Public Involvement

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Infection Disease Dynamic Modelling in Health Protection

Funder: DH Policy Programme

PI: Matt Keeling, Life Sciences, Warwick Medical School.

Dates: 1 Aug 2013 to 1 Aug 2018

Collaborators: Sophie Staniszewska, Graham Medley, Stavros Petrou, Martin Underwood,

Description: The primary aim of this proposal is to provide a programme of dynamic and health economic modelling that will underpin opinions and advice on the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of interventions against infectious diseases in the UK. The opinions and advice are intended for comparison with dynamic disease and health economic modelling undertaken by other groups, including Health Protection England. The precise infections and scenarios considered will be driven by DH policy teams through HPAT SS is providing input on patient and public involvement in this study.

Progress: The study has started and the project team are meeting regularly. SS has recruited a PPI panel who have met three times SS and SP are planning a paper to identify the potential for PPI to influence economic modelling which will provide the framework for the work of the group. SS presenting on PPI at the other DH funded unit who are replicating the modelling of the Warwick team

Wed 12 Mar 2014, 10:08

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