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Experiences of Care

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Evaluating the Use of Patient Experience Data to Improve the Quality of Inpatient Mental Health Care

PI: Scott Weich (WMS)

Collaborators: Kamaldeep B (Barts), Griffiths F (WMS), Staniszewska S (RCNRI), El Elnany (WBS), Crepaz-K David (Mental Health Foundation) Madan J (WMS), Larkin M (Birmingham), Newton E, (Birmingham), Ade-Odunlade P (Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust) et al 

Funder: NIHR, £775,455.02

Dates: 1.1.16 to: 30.4.18

Progress: A research fellow has been appointed for WP1.

Description: All NHS providers collect data on patient experience although there is little evidence about what to measure, how best to collect this information or how to use data to improve service quality. Given significant investment in local solutions, new top-down approaches are unlikely to be readily welcomed and adopted. It is more important therefore to learn from what is a large, ongoing natural experiment. We propose to study inpatient mental health services on the grounds that these are important and costly services, which are unpopular with service users and places where many serious incidents occur.

Research question: Which of the many different approaches to collecting and using patient experience data are the most useful for supporting improvements in inpatient mental health care? 

SS is leading work package 1, which aims to systematically identify patient experience themes that are relevant to delivering high quality inpatient mental health care. A literature review will be undertaken to identify the key dimensions of patient experience in the context of mental health services (11), drawing on the approach used to develop the Warwick Patient Experience Framework (WaPEF)

Tue 10 Nov 2015, 14:13

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