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Designing Optimal Management for patients with axial Spondyloarthropathy and fibromyalgia

Funder: ARUK – positive response to Expression of Interest. Full submission reviewed Summer 2015. Following response to reviewers comments, a revised application will be re-submitted to ARUK in January 2016.

Start date: 01/07/2016. End date: 01/07/2019

Funder: ARUK

PI: Gary Macfarlane (Aberdeen)

Collaborators: Kirstie Haywood (Warwick) plus co-applicants.

Description: The programme will have three core workstreams:

1) A cross-sectional survey of patients recruited to the BSRBR-AS to describe the prevalence of fibromyalgia (FMS) in patients with axial spondyloarthropathy (AxSpA) and the extent of disease activity (amongst patients who meet ASAS criteria for axial SpA, to determine the proportion who meet with 2011 ACR Research Criteria for FMS);

2) A qualitative study to explore patient experiences and AxSpA-related priorities and views on a short telephone-administered CBT programme (tCBT). Workstream 2 will involve a systematic review of the quality of available PROs; qualitative interviews to explore the lived experiences of patients with AxSPA and AxSPA-FMS; a workshop to explore the acceptability of tCBT for these groups. Finally, a consensus meeting with key stakeholders will work towards consensus on key issues of relevance to the proposed trial. KH will lead workstream 2.

3) will seek to design and implement a short course of tCBT to test its acceptability. A qualitative exploration of patients experiences of the tCBT programme and the views of those who did not complete the programme will be included (led by KH).

Progress: Grant submitted Summer 2015. For re-submission January 2016.

Tue 10 Nov 2015, 14:23

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