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Kate Seers

Job Title
WMS - Health Sciences
+44(0)24 7615 0614
Research Interests

Professor Kate Seers BSc (Hons) RN PhD DSc SFHEA was Professor of Health Research and Director of Warwick Research in Nursing, Warwick Medical School. In April 2024, she was appointed as a NIHR Senior Investigator. She retired in Autumn 2024. Professor Seers has established an international reputation for her research, which includes pain and its management, knowledge translation and implementation research, complex interventions and research relevant to nursing. She also has considerable expertise in process evaluations embedded within RCTs. Her research has used quantitative and qualitative systematic reviews, randomised controlled trials, qualitative methodologies and often mixed methods. She has supervised 24 PhD students to completion and currently supervises six PhD students. Current research studies include: 1) NIHR HS&DR. Mapping and Evaluating Services for Children with Learning Disabilities and Behaviours that Challenge (MELD). PI: Hastings. Work Package (WP) lead. £1,245,271. 1/2/2021 to 30/9/25. 2) NIHR NIHR COVID-19 Recover and Learning Funding Committee. Rehabilitation Exercise and psychological support after covid-19 Infection (REGAIN). PI: McGregor. £650,626. 1st September 2020 for 2 years. WP lead. 4) NIHR HTA Supervised Pulmonary Hypertension Exercise Rehabilitation. (SPHERe). £1,328,000. 39 months from 1st June 2019. Work package lead and Co-I. 5) MRC/NIHR Better Methods Better Research. Re-evaluating the remote. £417,811. QRDC. 18 months from May 2022. 6) NIHR HTA medication support interventions and strategies for people with learning disabilities - a mixed evidence synthesis. £315,545. 18 months from September 2022. 7) NIHR Developing a role for patients and the public in the implementation of health and social care research evidence into practice. £836,772. 38 months from 1-9-22.


Professor Seers BSc (Hons) RN PhD DSc SFHEA was Professor of Health Research and Director of Warwick Research in Nursing. She retired from that post and has been awarded the title Emeritus Professor. In 2014 Professor Seers was listed as a "highly cited" researcher on Thomson Reuter's list. In March 2024 she was appointed as an NIHR Senior Investigator. At the University of Warwick she was Deputy Head of Warwick Applied Health (Research). She was chair of the Institutional Athena-Swan self assessment team 2019-2024 which successfully submitted for a silver award. Orcid 0000-0001-7921-552X

Title Funder Award start Award end
NIHR Senior Investigator award 2024 National Institute for Health Research (NIHR DoH) 01 Apr 2024 30 Apr 2027
Tourniquet use in lower limb fracture surgery: a feasibility study (fellowship for Muhamed Farhan-Alanie) National Institute for Health Research (NIHR DoH) 01 Feb 2023 31 Jan 2026
Developing a role for patients and the public in the implementation of health and social care evidence into practice (re-submission of 67067) National Institute for Health Research (NIHR DoH) 01 Sep 2022 31 Oct 2025
Mapping and Evaluating Services for Children with Learning Disabilities and Behaviours that Challenge (MELD) National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Feb 2021 30 Sep 2025
Second Stage NIHR Advanced Fellowship: Advancing clinical leadership in healthcare organisations to mobilise evidence into practice. A mixed methods study of clinical leadership in orthopaedic surgery National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Dec 2019 31 Mar 2025
Re-evaluating the Remote: Exploring the practical, epistemological and ethical implications of remote qualitative data collection in health research MRC 01 May 2022 31 Oct 2024
Self management in people with POTs - BHF Training Fellowship for Helen Eftekhari) British Heart Foundation 28 Sep 2020 27 Sep 2024
NIHR HTA Stage 2: Medication support interventions for people with learning disability National Institute for Health Research (NIHR DoH) 01 Sep 2022 30 Jun 2024
Tuberculosis Treatment Delay in Adults in England - Stage 2 PhD Farah Kidy National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Apr 2020 31 Dec 2023
Research Design Service renewal 2018 National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Oct 2018 30 Sep 2023
LearninG from Women's ExpeRiences of Anal InContinencE after Vaginal Birth (GRACE) (outline: 66560) National Institute for Health Research (NIHR DoH) 22 Sep 2021 21 Mar 2023
Understanding the experience of living with and managing vulval lichen sclerosus ESRC 01 Sep 2020 28 Feb 2023
Life-Long Learning and Implementation of Education in Pain Associated with Osteoarthritis Pfizer Inc 01 Mar 2021 31 Aug 2022
NIHR HTA:COVID-19 recovery and learning_Rehabilitation Exercise and psycholoGical support After covid-19 InfectioN (REGAIN) National Institute for Health Research (NIHR DoH) 01 Sep 2020 31 Aug 2022
Developing a quality of life instrument for Cardiac Arrest survivors: understanding what matters to patients - related to WCPRS PhD Studentship (66086) Resuscitation Council (UK) 01 Sep 2020 31 Aug 2022
NIHR HTA Second Stage: Exercise training in pulmonary hypertension National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Jun 2019 31 Aug 2022
NIHR PDF 2015 - Peter Wall: SAFE-TKR study (Safety and feasibility evaluation of tourniquets for knee replacement study) National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Jan 2016 31 Dec 2020
Improving the wellbeing of people with Opioid treated chronic pain: I-WOTCH National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Sep 2016 30 Nov 2020
NIHR PDF 2015 - Keith Couper - A feasibility study of the use of the mechanical CPR for in-hospital cardiac arrest. National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Oct 2015 30 Sep 2019
Development of Individual Supported Employment work-placements to Improve the health-related Quality of Life of people with chronic pain who are unemployed (ISEIQoL)- ARUK Arthritis Research UK 02 Jan 2017 30 Apr 2019
NIHR HSDR via Imperial College London: Dementia project National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Jul 2016 31 Dec 2018
Centres for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care West Midlands (CLAHRC WM), Theme 3 Prevention and Detection Department of Health 01 Jan 2014 31 Dec 2018
Strategic alliance agreement - Royal College of Nursing Royal College of Nursing 01 Aug 2012 31 Jul 2017
A meta-ethnography of healthcare professionals' experience of treating adults with chronic musculoskeletal pain to improve the experience and quality of healthcare. NIHR via Ox National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Nov 2015 30 Apr 2017
NIHR Doctoral Research Fellowship National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Oct 2013 30 Sep 2016
Studentship - Compassionate Care Royal College of Nursing 01 Sep 2013 31 Jul 2016
ESRC Research Seminars 2013 - Nursing education: what can perspectives from the social sciences contribute? ESRC 01 Apr 2014 31 Mar 2016
Understanding how supervisory Ward Sister status has been implemented and how its impact has been assessed. NHS England 01 Mar 2015 31 Oct 2015
Carer and patient-led development of recommendations for people with dementia from hospital discharge to the community: understanding what is important National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Sep 2013 31 Aug 2015
Enhancing the Patient and Public Involvement in Evidence Base: Guidance on reporting the impact of patient and public involvement GRIPP2 Royal College of Nursing 01 Feb 2013 30 Apr 2014
HOPE: Core Concepts in Nursing Royal College of Nursing 01 Oct 2009 31 Jul 2013
Implementation of Research into Healthcare Practice - FP7 EU FIRE (Fascilitating the implementation of research evidence) European Commission 01 Jan 2009 30 Jun 2013
PROHIP: Exploring the use of patient-reported outcome measures in the field of hip fractures. Royal College of Nursing 01 Sep 2010 30 Nov 2012
NIHR Health Services Research Board - A meta-ethnography of patients experience of non-malignant chronic pain National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Nov 2010 31 Oct 2012
Strategic alliance agreement with Royal College of Nursing. Royal College of Nursing 01 Aug 2007 31 Jul 2012
Dimbleby Cancer Care Research fund: Receiving end of life care at home: experiences of the bereaved carers of cancer patients. Dimbleby Cancer Care 01 Nov 2010 31 Jan 2012
NICE Scoping Study National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence 01 Dec 2010 31 Jan 2011
RFPB Bid: The need for urgent care: the perspectives and pathways of people with a long term condition. National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Apr 2008 30 May 2010
(POISE) Peri-operative (Fasting Guideline) Implementation Study Evaluation The Health Foundation 01 Aug 2007 31 Jul 2009
Virtual Institute of Research in Healthcare Higher Education Funding Council for England 31 Jul 2007 31 Jul 2008
Implementation and Evaluation of the Paediatric Pain profile, a pain assessment Tool for Children with Severe Motor and learning Impairments The Health Foundation 31 Jul 2007 31 Dec 2007