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MB ChB entry 2024 - Health & Conduct Survey

A condition of your offer is that you must complete the Health and Conduct Survey so that the School can assess any support you might need and also that you are fit to study medicine and practise as doctor after graduation. This Survey is conducted in line with GMC Guidance and is independent of the Disclosure and Barring Service, Occupational Health form and any disclosure you might make to the University's Disability Services.

GMC/MSC Guidance

Achieving good medical practice: guidance for medical students:

'As a medical student, you must tell your medical school about any serious health conditions, or any aspect of your health or personal circumstances that could affect your training (especially your placements) or your relationship with colleagues. This is so that your medical school can support you, and it can only do this if it knows that you have a health condition. Telling your medical school shows you have insight into the impact your condition may have on patients, your fellow students and yourself. This is a crucial factor that medical schools consider in relation to health and fitness to practise.'

Professional behaviour and fitness to practise: guidance for medical schools and their students:

'Medical students are working towards joining the medical profession. Their studies will put them in contact with patients and members of the public, who may often be vulnerable. Because of this, we expect medical students to display standards of professional behaviour that are different from those expected of other students not training to join a regulated profession. Meeting these standards is a requirement for graduation with a primary medical qualification.'

To aid your understanding, please read the GMC and MSC Guidance Achieving good medical practice: guidance for medical students and Professional behaviour and fitness to practiseLink opens in a new window. You may also find it useful to read the case studyLink opens in a new window page that gives examples of the type of issues that can happen during a course of study.

If you have any questions about the Survey or the GMC/MSC Guidance please email Healthandconduct at warwick dot ac dot uk.

Completing the Survey

  1. Please submit your Survey by 12 April 2024, after which the surveys will be reviewed, so that we have time to address any issues before the course starts. If you submit your Survey after this dater, it will not affect your offer but may delay this condition being cleared.
  2. Please do not submit the Survey more than once, it confuses matters and may delay this condition of your being cleared.
  3. If your circumstances change after you have submitted the Survey please email and let us know what has changed.

Making a Declaration

If you make a declaration please be sure to provide supporting information. If you do not, you will be asked to do so and this will delay processing your Survey but will not affect your offer. You may also be asked for additional documentation e.g., specialist medical reports or character references.

What happens after I have submitted my Survey?

If you have nothing to declare, you will receive an email to say that this condition of your offer has been met and cleared. You need do nothing more.

If you declare a health condition, disability or conduct issue, your survey will be reviewed by the WMS Health, Welfare and Professionalism GroupLink opens in a new window. Providing there is sufficient information, you will normally receive an email to say that the Survey condition of your offer is met and cleared but you might be asked to undertake additional actions, for example, contact the University's Wellbeing Support Services before you arrive to discuss any support you might need.

Very rarely, if the Group considers that there might be any potential fitness to practise concerns you will be referred to the WMS Fitness to Practise Committee. You will receive a letter explaining the reasons and the process and this condition of your offer can only be addressed by this Committee.

It will take some to time to process and clear your Survey and you might receive an automatically generated email from University Postgraduate Admissions that will say the Health and Conduct Survey condition of your offer has yet to be met. Providing you have submitted your survey, there is no need for you to do anything in response and any delay will not affect your offer.