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To start...

Here's an introductory guide to the use of the iPad minis all MB ChB students are loaned for their course.

Need more? CALL ScotlandLink opens in a new window, who work to overcome learning barriers, have further posters & leaflets.
graphic representing use of digital tablet

Now for student Top Tips...

Bookmark webpages

Some Moodle links are already on your screen, like Timetable & Handouts, but you can add more - definitely recommend Checklists.


Explore theseLink opens in a new window! Text size, contrast, colour filters, speech controls, add functions for how you type or swipe - it really improves the experience.

Immediate sign-offs

Through Phase II & III, clinicians must sign-off on various NHS E-portfolio forms - get them done whilst you're still there, using the iPad.

Paper-like screen protector

Any brand, but they protect from scratches & make writing & drawing much easier than on glass.

Carrying-strap case

The Warwick one has the handy Pencil holder, but for placement, a handgrip & carry-strap was much easier.

Download resources

Ensure you have an offline resource on your iPad (pdfs, apps) as internet access at hospitals can be very hit-and-miss.