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Muslim Students Handbook

In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate, and the Giver of Life.

Welcome to Warwick Medical School!

Your dedication and perseverance have brought you to this momentous milestone, and it is truly a testament to your unwavering commitment to pursue knowledge and serve humanity.

Coming into the only exclusively graduate-entry medical school in England, we know you already have experience balancing student life whilst trying to uphold your faith.

With this in mind, we have created this guideLink opens in a new window to help with challenges specific to juggling your religious duties with Warwick’s MBChB programme, whilst also signposting local resources we have found useful.

This resourceLink opens in a new window is written by medical students, for medical students, designed to empower Muslim students throughout their medical journey by providing valuable information, insight, and support to enable them to flourish both academically, and spiritually.


We appreciate that additional issues may arise, which this guide hasn’t covered. If they do, or you have comments or questions, please get in touch via our email:

WMSMuslimStudentGuide@gmail.comLink opens in a new window

@WMSMuslimMedics |  @Warwick.isoc

 Shaykh Imran SulemanLink opens in a new window - Chaplaincy

WMS Contacts

 Emily Roisin ReidLink opens in a new window - Director of Student Experience

 Laura CranshawLink opens in a new window - Phase I Admin Lead

 Emma HallLink opens in a new window - Phase II Admin Lead

 Violeta Miller - Phase III Admin Lead

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Authored and adapted by our MB ChB students:

'20 cohort: Zain Mohammed | Chelsea Street

'21 cohort: Danyal Mehrban | Hafsah Ba

'22 cohort: Laila Mnini | Linta Nasim | Muhadh Ismath

Special thanks to Emily Roisin Reid for her support throughout this project, and to the authors of ‘The Manchester Muslim Medical Student GuideLink opens in a new window’, from which this guide was adapted.

By the grace of Allah (SWT), may the doors of knowledge be opened for you, and may this journey through Warwick Medical School be the stepping stone to your future success in this life and the next. Ameen.