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External Study Resources

We know that there's an overwhelming variety of external resources you could use, and that advice on them can be contradictory!

So we've put together a quick run-down of what we think they're best for, not ideal for, and our top tips if you try them. If you have anything to add, or contest, please comment below!


The free note-taking app that comes in-built with your Microsoft 365 University account; expansive functionality to organise all of your studying!


A free note-taking app and organiser, there's many functions to structure your work - and collaborate with others - that can be useful in all Phases.


The most (in)famous spaced-repetition platform, it repeats questions based on your recollection. There's a huge bank of add-ons to personalise the experience too.


A good quality, friendlier alternative to Anki, this is another spaced-repetition platform that uses AI to make flashcards from copy & pasted notes.

PassMedLink opens in a new window

The most commonly used online question bank, with free and paid-for levels for fundamentals, pre-clinical, and finals. High-quality, well-explained questions - but it isn't mapped to our course.

QuesMedLink opens in a new window

A newer alternative to PassMed, offering similar overall content but with a slight twist. They have free Youtube videosLink opens in a new window, & post questions (& memes) to their IGLink opens in a new window.

MedGuideLink opens in a new window

Made by a Warwick grad and based on our curriculum, the free resources and question-bank covers SocPop and VLE too. Smaller than the others, but growing!


WMS-recommended free question bank. Not as widely used as the others, but questions are most closely aligned to WMS exams.

Zero to Finals

A series of concise textbooks, flashcards, web notes, and videos by Dr Tom Watchman; covers most of finals content in an easy-to-read format.


An online-platform-turned-YouTube channel of super concise, accessible explanations and 'high-yield' notes for most pre-clinical concepts and pathologies.

Geeky Medics

An essential online platform for clinical skills and many clinical concepts, tailored for UK medical schools but used around the world.

Extras - comment yours to be added!