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Finances for Phase II MB ChB students at WMS


As you move into Phase 2 and spend more time in the trusts, you may face increasing financial challenges. To help you navigate through this, we've created a handy guide filled with tips and advice. Whether it's about the NHS bursary, seeking part-time work, or budgeting for daily expenses, this guide is designed to support you in making smart financial decisions without compromising your studies.

Travel Claims

Daily charge with a weekly cap - 2023 increased to £3 p/day, £9 p/week, Free evenings and weekends

NHS Trusts: SWFT - ~£7.19 pm, UHCW - ~£156.75 for 11w, GEH - £7.19 pm

Petrol - UHCW 9.1m, SWFT 7.3m, GEH 17m

Public Transport

TBus - student discount £1.50 each way with ID; Route 41, Route 42

National Express bus route

Dial a Bus - 10 students from WMS to UHCW and back = £3.40pp, can make several stops

West Midlands on Demand

Working in CCE

For those considering working during CCE, it's definitely possible if you manage your time effectively so it doesn't affect your studies. Here are some roles our students have taken on.

MBChB Internships

Medical school offers a variety of internship opportunities to enhance your learning experience and contribute to the medical curriculum, this includes the BEACON internships and digital education internship.

These paid opportunities are tailored specifically for medical students!

Keep an eye out for openings to make the most of these opportunities!


Coming soon!

~16 hours p/week as Band 3 clinical support staff (or registered staff)

Earn a "Working Bursary" of ~£11k p/annum

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