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Student Selected Component 1

What is Student Selected Component 1?

Student Selected Component 1 (SSC1) is your opportunity at the start of Phase 2 to develop an interest in a field that you are interested in exploring during your medical career.

You will have 10 x 3 hour sessions, which will run in parallel with the AB1 block in which there will be a mix of synchronous and asynchronous activities. Block option sessions take place usually on either Tuesdays (2pm to 5pm) or Fridays (9am to 12 noon) in each week.


An online form will be available on Moodle around July at end of Year 1, in which you will be asked to rank your top 5 preferences.

Note that it is not a first-come-first-serve allocation system.

You will be allocated randomly via a computerised allocation system.

You will then be informed on your allocations by mid-August.

SSC1 Prize

The student(s) achieving the highest total mark in each block option will receive a letter of commendation and invited to a Prize Giving Event by WMS. The assessed work of all commended students will be reviewed by a panel who will award the SSC 1 prize and two SSC 1 highly commended certificates.