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Medical Electives

Finally, it's time to look forward to your medical elective! Whether you're staying in the UK or venturing abroad, this six-week period from March to April is an exciting opportunity to broaden your medical horizons. Use this time to explore new medical specialties, experience different healthcare systems, and immerse yourself in diverse cultures. It's a chance to apply your knowledge in real-world settings, develop new skills, and gain invaluable insights that will shape your future career. Remember to plan ahead, stay flexible, and make the most of every moment during this unique and rewarding phase of your medical education.

Here is a brief timeline of what to expect over the coming months (though this may vary / change - so please double-check!):

  • August: Submit Elective Project Outline
  • October: Submit International Elective Proposal
  • November: Submit UK Elective Proposal
  • March - April: Medical Elective (6 weeks)
  • May: Submit assessed work

Regardless of your choice, enjoy your medical elective! If you’re in a new country, use your free time to explore and immerse yourself in the local culture and sights. If you’re staying home, take the time to relax and recharge!

Things you will need to know!

Choosing an elective project can be a challenge!

If you already have an interest in a certain topic or specialty, the decision can be straightforward. However, if you’re unsure where to start, don’t worry!

Consider your preferences, such as whether you want to do an elective abroad or stay in the UK, and whether you prefer a desk-based project or engaging in activities like wellbeing and mindfulness, or joining a journal / book club.

Think about whether you want to focus on clinical work or delve into a research project. Reflecting on your experiences from SSC1 and SSC2 can also provide inspiration.

If you are considering doing an international medical electives - The Electives Network might be a good place to start looking.

These are just a few ideas to prompt your thinking and help you find a project that aligns with your interests and career goals.

Examples of Previous Student's Medical Electives


UK Electives

  • UK Clinical Electives
  • Research Projects - QIP, systematic reviews, literature review

International Electives

  • Australia
  • India
  • Malaysia
  • Nepal
  • South Africa
  • Vietnam

Alternative Electives

  • British Sign Language
  • Book / Journal Club
  • Mindfulness
  • Yoga

For more examples, keep an eye out for the Electives Event in late June, where students from the year above will share their elective experiences!

Tips and Advices!

Prepare Early!

Prepare early because finding a supervisor, contacting organisations, and developing a project all take time.

Manage Workloads!

Avoid leaving it to the last minute, as you'll also be thinking about finals, preparing for the WPA exam, and working on your foundation application.


For those who are going abroad, make sure you do all your research regarding travel, accommodation, visas, vaccinations, insurances etc!

Medical Indemnity

For those who are doing a placement in the UK / abroad, you will require medical indemnity cover.

This is free for medical students.

More info about this can be found here.

Medical Elective Insurance

If you do an international elective, you will require a medical elective insurance.

Most medical elective insurances will include travel insurance too - so do have a look!

Finals and Resits?

Organising your elective right after finals can be daunting, especially when you don't know if you've passed.

Don't worry, some medical elective insurances, such as Wesleyan, cover final exam resits.

If you have any questions about electives: Contact Dr Birgit Fruhstorfer: