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Phase 3 Tips & Tricks

Phase III Tips & Tricks

Be kind to yourself and others ...

Be Consistent

Take a history and examine at least 1 patient a day. Phase 3 can get really busy, especially October / November, so don't let work and stress pile up!

Start Early, Be Organised

...because the biggest challenge is balancing and prioritising everything. Placement, learning presentations, the UKFPO application, preparing your elective proposal, Finals revision...

Annual Leave in SCPs

You'll have 10 days of leave to use across the SCPs. Use them! Take time off and come back refreshed for the final stretch!

You can take a maximum of 5 days off in one SCP block and you should avoid weeks 1 and 6 of the block (although in psychiatry it is advisable to avoid week 5 as well due to the simulated patient OSLER).

Don't "save up" leave to take in other blocks (AC2/Revision block/Assistantship) the 10 days quota only applies to SCP blocks.


If you haven't engaged with the student, wider Warwick, or even national community yet - now is the time to start!

Join a committee - for the speciality you're interested in, but really anything can work - and make sure you have a tangible, provable impact. Don't just claim the title with no effort; it will not look good!

Speak at conferences, attend training workshops, organise a teaching series -

Sign-off? Questionnaire!

Clinicians will - understandably - be less inclined to put their own pin on the line for a 'sign-off'. But a 'questionnaire', which is really what it is, is far less daunting.

Focus on Wellbeing

Phase 3, especially the early days, are the perfect opportunity to explore new hobbies and activities, make friends, learn new skills and adding some joy to your medical journey!

Engage in Teaching

If you find a clinician willing to teach - latch on to them. Get that experience and learning when the opportunity presents itself.

If you feel like you're 'in the way' and not getting anything from the setting, then take the initiative. Do some SDL, attend a different ward or clinic, or ask the team (non-Drs too!) if you could help with bloods, cannulas, getting results (so make sure you're competent with these!)

Put your Face on NHS E-portfolio

Clinicians will not remember your name - so a clear, professional photo will give you a chance at being remembered!

Special events in your life

Contact the Phase 3 team early if you have specific needs/requirements e.g. getting married etc.

These are exceptional circumstances and with time and planning there are far more options available.

Meet the Phase 3 Team

Moodle and messages

Do read the Moodle forum messages. You will receive email notifications when a message is posted.

These Moodle messages are how staff share the most up to date guidance. Stay alert to the up to date information published on Moodle.