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Non-science student profile: Sachin

What degree did you do before coming to study medicine at Warwick?
Philosophy and Mathematics BA (joint honours) at the University of Oxford.

Did you have any concerns about studying medicine without having a background in a scientific subject?
Yes! Once I discovered it was even possible to study medicine with a background like mine, albeit at very few medical schools, I was terrified at the prospect of studying medicine without any significant scientific background (I have no science GCSEs and no science A-levels).

How did you become involved with the Non-Science student led support group?
I founded it because I wish I had had something similar in Phase I. I was sat in the library with an English graduate trying to get my head round immunology shortly before the exams. I read the sentence, ‘monocytes are macrophages in the blood’ and suddenly so many pieces of the jigsaw fell into place (and immunology is one of those 1,000 piece jigsaws of the blue sea and sky to a non-science student). I turned to my friend and said, “why did no one tell us?” With that we started writing a list of things we wish we’d known and the group grew organically from that point.

What help have you had from the group?
Fantastic teaching experiences as well as making some great friends and basking in a sense of community.

What difference has this made to you on the course?
It has convinced me that non-science students have as much as anyone else to bring to the course and, with the right support, can succeed both in the examinations and as tomorrow’s doctors

Do you have advice for other students from non-scientific backgrounds applying to the course?
You can do it! It may feel very scary and require a little extra work and courage but with the advent of this group there is now a lot of support, and students from our first cohort have topped the year in written and practical exams! Catch-up compendiums are a good read before you start, though don’t expect yourself to remember all the details as it is not necessary.
