MSc Course Information and Structure
The MSc Chemistry with Scientific Writing, consists of 8 taught modules and a laboratory-based project from any area of research undertaken within the Department of Chemistry. The core modules focus on teaching English Language Skills, whilst the optional modules focus on teaching chemistry-related science.
The course consists of 3 core 'communication' modules, where you will learn English Language Skills required for the fluent communication of science. You'll be taught English Language skills including grammar and how to write to a high standard, required in the academic environment. You'll be taught how to write reports and articles to a high academic standard using the very best scientific English. Each module builds on its predecessor and involves preparing scientific reports and articles with the focus very much on the use of skills to effectively communicate scientific results, interpretations, analyses and ideas.
The remaining 5 modules may be taken from a list of 16 modules offered from the Department of Chemistry in a range of diverse subjects from mass spectrometry to supramolecular synthesis and molecular modelling. The Department has an excellent research repuation (graded 5A in the RAE of 2001) and views its teaching very seriously.
The final module is where you will conduct a real academic research project attempting to address a genuine scientific problem or question. It is here you'll apply your newly aquired English Language skills in the writing of your dissertation. During the project, which lasts 6 months, you'll be working alongside academics, post-doctoral researchers and Ph.D students in excellent research facilities. All research projects are chosen by students in an area that interests them.
The Core Modules
Students with GCSE grade B or higher, or IELTS 7.0 or higher, or equivalent will take core modules 2, 3 and 4.
Students with GCSE grade C or lower, or IELTS 6.5 or lower, or equivalent will take core modules 1, 2 and 3.
1. Scientific English language skills (ET984, for students requiring additional scientific English skills).
NOTE: The module ET984 is taught by the Centre for Applied Linguistics and runs over a period of 5 weeks before the start of the autumn term. If you take this module, you will therefore need to arrive on campus and be ready to attend classes week commencing 23rd August 2010
2. Writing focused scientific articles and reports (CH934)
3. Writing extended scientific articles and reports (CH933)
4. Communicating science to different audiences (CH935, taken by those not taking module ET984)
The Optional Modules
The optional modules include a selection from all M-level modules running in a given academic year and typically include
- Mass spectrometry
- Chromatography
- Electranalytical chemistry
- Elemental and thermal analysis
- Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
- Introduction to cellular systems
- Data aquisition I: biophysical techniques and instrument design
- Data aquisition II: bioimaging and array technology
- Modelling and simulation
- Computation II: molecular modelling
- Contemporary synthesis
- Synthetic I (organic)
- Synthetic II (metallo-organic)
- Synthetic III (supra/macromolecular)
The Research Project
The research project will be conducted over a 6 month period in an area of cutting edge research currently being undertaken by a member of the Chemistry Department.
Course Structure
3 Core Modules
5 Optional Modules
1 Research Project