Introducing the R Programming Language
R is a programing language which is particularly suited to statistical analysis. There is an official introduction online (or as a PDF file ). There are a number of add on libraries, the most prominent of which is the bioinformatics library BioConductor.
Local information to get you started with R:
- Installation instructions
- Introducing the R command line
- Getting Help
- Loading Data, with an introduction to the basic data types
- Manipulating Data including accessing elements of vectors and matrices.
- Data summary methods
- Plotting data:
- Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
- The Workspace & R Scripts, how to save your work for next time.
- Programming in R: for loops, while loops and functions.
Credits: Martin Edwards, Samuel Robson and Peter Cock
There are more graphical examples on Peter's R Programming Pages, and the R Graph Gallery website.
Also see this list of R and BioConductor resources at Warwick, and the Module Assignments.