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Exciting news- MOAC student Robert Deller featured on BBC

Exciting news - Robert Deller and Matthew Gibson were featured on BBC Midlands today and the BBC Science and Environment website on Friday 7th February.

You can watch the item here:

Robert Deller BBC

Tue 11 Feb 2014, 14:56 | Tags: News

Arctic cod inspire new way to help hospitals keep blood on ice.

MOAC PhD student Robert Deller has recently had a paper published in Nature Communications and the university has issued a press release about the topic: Arctic cod inspire new way to help hospitals keep blood on ice.

Also you are all invited to Robert's PhD Viva taking place on Tuesday 18th February 2014:

09.00am - Tea & Cakes

09.30am - Talk in WSB Room 325

Title: The Investigation and Application of Ice Recrystallisation Inhibitors as Cryoprotectants

Everyone welcome

Thu 06 Feb 2014, 17:03 | Tags: News

Congratulations to our MOAC students who graduated on 22nd Jan 2014

Congratulations to our MSc cohort 2012 and to Dr Victoria Marlow for her PhD. You can see photos from the day here: Jan 2014 Graduation Photos

Tue 28 Jan 2014, 12:15 | Tags: Graduation, News, Student Achievements

Competition success!

A team from Warwick composed of four Life Sciences PhD students plus one MOAC PhD student (Steve Norton) is taking part in this year's BiotechnologyYES competition. (click to read more)

Tue 08 Oct 2013, 10:50 | Tags: News, Student Achievements

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