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Congratulations to Vince and Anna

Baby Peter joined Vince and Anna's family yesterday. For those who need numbers he arrived weighing 3.24 kg or 7 lbs 2 oz by Caesarian section. Everyone is doing well.

Mon 30 Sep 2013, 12:24 | Tags: News, Student Achievements

MOAC student Vicky Marlow passes her PhD

Many congratulations to Vicky Marlow, who passed her PhD viva on 16th September 2013.

Fri 20 Sep 2013, 17:08 | Tags: News, Student Achievements, PhD viva

Congratulations to Jon and Elina, former MOAC students, on the birth of their baby

MOAC would like to congratulate former MOAC DTC students Jon Almond and Elina Vladimirou on the birth of their baby Andreas Alexander Vladimirou Armond, born on 30th June.

We wish good health and happiness to them all!

Wed 03 Jul 2013, 10:26 | Tags: News

Alistair Irvine

Tue 23 Feb 2016, 21:33 | Tags: News

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