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A Very Simple C++ program

//main.cpp - file should end with an empty new line
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){

This can be compiled with

g++ main.cpp
The source file (also called a translation-unit) has one and only one main function so the compiler produces an executable with default name a.out and this can be executed with the command ./a.out

Working at the University of Warwick

ITS instructions for working off-campus Life Sciences Interface programme.

Brief Notes on high quality pre-production stuff

Including eps files in openoffice. Will only see the benefit if you print to file as postscript

2004-2005 (University of Warwick)

Molecular Organisation and Assembly in Cells (MOAC)
[EPSRC Life Sciences Interface Doctoral Training Centre]
The University of Warwick, United Kingdom
Mathematical Biology and Biophysical Chemistry MSc

2000-2004 (University of Warwick)

Warwick Mathematics Institute
The University of Warwick, United Kingdom
Master of Mathematics MMath

1998-2000 (Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School)

Q.E.G.S. Sixth Form
Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School, Blackburn
General Certificate of Education (4 GCE A-Levels)

1993-1998 (Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School)

Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School, Blackburn
General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE)

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