Hayley Powell
I am a finishing student who has recently submitted my thesis and am awaiting my PhD viva in March. The focus of my research as a PhD student was to develop a hybrid instrument combining Evanescent Wave Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy (EW-CRDS) with electrochemical and microfluidic methods. The idea was to apply this newly developed instrument to the study of biologically relevant interfaces. For more information, see my PhD page.
Having left the wonderful world of Warwick, I am now working as a software developer for ANSYS, who provide engineering simulation solutions.
Before MOAC...
I was an undergraduate at Warwick studying Maths. I took a diverse range of modules from abstract algebra like group theory and ring theory right through to more applied modules such as Mathematical Biology and many Physics modules. I really loved any modules that involved modelling of any description but found it frustrating that I did not have the necessary information on many of the systems that I was modelling to make them realistic, which is why I chose to study at MOAC.
My Experience at MOAC...
The first six months of MOAC were challenging but immensely rewarding. Looking back, the amount that I learnt in those six months was pretty incredible. The miniprojects were also great fun and gave me a brief taste of what "real" research is all about (for more information on my miniprojects see the miniprojects page). Inspired by the project I did in the Chemistry department, I continued to continue this work for my PhD. MOAC has also helped me develop a wide range of skills. Not only have I learnt how to become an effective researcher, I have nurtured other so-called "transferable skills" such as team working and the fine-art of effective communication. On top of all of this, MOAC has offered an amazing atmosphere in which to study and make friends.
In the lab at Oxford University