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Conferences Attended:

1) Warwick Chemistry postgraduate symposia (University of Warwick, Coventry, UK):

June, 2012 (Oral presentation)

May, 2011 (Poster presentation)

May 2010 (Attendance)

2) MOAC Annual Conferences:

July, 2012 (Poster Presentation, Ravenstor, Peak District, England),

July, 2011 (Poster Presentation, Arnside, Lake District, England),

May, 2010 (Poster Presentation, Arnside, Lake District, England)

3) Inter-DTC symposia between Institute of Chemical Biology DTC (Imperial College London), White Rose DTC (University of Sheffield) and MOAC (University of Warwick):

June, 2009 (Imperial College London, Attendance)

April, 2010 (Warwick University, Poster Presentation)

4) Photoactivatable metals: from theory to therapy (June 2012, London, Attendance)

5) Photoactivatable metal complexes: exciting potential in biotechnology and medicine? (June 2012, Chicheley, Poster and Oral Presentation)

6) Inorganic Chemistry 2012-A joint meeting of Dalton Division Interest Groups (April 2012, University of Warwick, Poster Presentation)

7) 5th EuCheMS Conference on Nitrogen Ligands (September 2011, Granada, Spain, Poster Presentation)

Research Stays

August 2011: One month stay at the Photobiology Unit of Ninewells Hospital (Dundee, Scotland, UK) to work under the supervision of Dr Julie Wooods.