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Aashima Dogra

I graduated from MOAC in 2010 with M.Sc in Scientific Research and Communciation.

Along with four science commucation modules- research literature, science journalism, narrative and broadcast, I studied science within society (Warwick HRI) , biodiversity & conservation (Warwick HRI) and e business (Warwick life sciences and WBS). At the end of the year I investigated how good the internet is at engaging people with research.

Outside formal studies, I introduced science commucation to researchers and research to school kids and actively participated in the local Cafe Scientifique at Leamington Spa. I also worked part time at the university library.

After a reasonably fullfiling year at Warwick, I moved to London to be a science correspondent for an Indian newspaper. Two years hence I am a UK-India dodging freelance journalist with special interest in science and conservation.

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