Christopher Thoroughgood
Christopher Thoroughgood
MOAC DTC PhD Student (3rd Year)
BSc (Biochemistry, Aberystwyth University)
MSc (Mathmatical Biology and Biophysical Chemistry, The Univeristy of Warwick)
I am currently undertaking a PhD (3rd Year) within MOAC in Mathematical Biology and Biophysical Chemistry. The preceding MSc course has enabled me to extend my skills through its multidisciplinary nature. Although my background is in Biochemistry, the MSc has furthered my knowledge, added new experiences and techniques to the ones I gained from my undergraduate degree.
Academic Background
2014 - Present: PhD, University of Warwick
PhD - "Development of analytical approaches to understand phosphorylation control of cell wall biosynthesis and its relationship to antimicrobial resistance".
- Supervisors: Prof. David Roper (School of Life Science) and Dr. Ann Dixon (Chemistry)
2013 - 2014: MSc, Mathematical Biology and Biophysical Chemistery (Merit), University of Warwick
Miniproject 1 - "IreK: A Serine-Threonine Kinase Implicated in Vancomycin Resistance" (Biology Project).
- Supervisor: Prof. David Roper
- Skills acquired: Protein Purification and Phosphorylation assay development
Miniproject 2 - "Use of lipid bicelles as a membrane mimetic for membrane protein structural studies" (Physical Chemistry Project).
- Supervisor: Dr. Ann Dixon
- Skills acquired: Biophysical Techniques for protein and bicelle analysis including CD, DLS and NMR.
Miniproject 3 - "Molecular dynamics investigation of biomimetic antifreeze macromolecules (Computational Chemistry Project).
- Supervisor: Dr. Rebecca Notman
- Skills acquired: Biomolecular simulations using GROMACS and programming in C to analyse simulation trajectories.
2010 - 2013: BSc (Hons), Biochemistry (First Class), Aberystwyth Univeristy
IBERS Scheme Prize - Best performance in Biochemistry and Genetics
Dissertation - "The phenotype of gapA and pgk mutants in Myxococcus xanthus in association with the predation of Escherichia coli".
- Supervisor: Dr. David Whitworth
Reseacrch Intrests
- Characterising membrane proteins
- Bioinformatics (Comparative genomics and structural bioinformatics)
- Microbiology (Microbiomes, biofilms and antibiotic resistance)