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Olga Nev

About Me and My Research

Hello, my name is Olga and my background is in mathematics.

I came to Warwick from Russia (St.Petersburg) in January 2015 and joined the Warwick CAS-IDP program.

I'm working on mathematical models that are used in conjunction with ongoing experimental research at Warwick University to elucidate the mechanisms by means of which bacteria acquire foodstuffs and withstand the action of current antibiotics.

Academic History

2015 - 2017: PhD, University of Warwick, Warwick CAS-IDP Analytical Science
Project title: Regulation of nutrient uptake, substrate conversion, and bio-production in micro-organisms
Supervisor: Dr Hugo van den Berg
Submitted in May, 2017
Viva is passed in August, 2017

2011 - 2014: Research Assistant at the Saint-Petersburg State University, faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics
Project title: Asymptotic properties of stochastic dynamical systems

2010 - 2012: MSc, Saint-Petersburg branch of High School of Economics, faculty of Economic, major in Mathematical Methods of Economic Analysis

2004 - 2008: BSc, Nizhniy Novgorod State University, faculty of Management and Business, major in Enterprise Economics and Management

2001 - 2006: BSc, Nizhniy Novgorod State University, faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics, major in Applied Mathematics and Informatics


Nev O.A. and van den Berg H. A. Holling Type I versus Holling Type II functional responses in Gram-negative bacteria // Tr. Math. Appl., 2018. In press.

Nev O.A. and van den Berg H. A. Differential inclusions with sliding modes to represent microbial metabolism and growth under conditions of starvation // Dynamical Systems, 2018. Vol. 33, No. 1, pp. 93-112.

Nev O.A. and van den Berg H. A. Mathematical models of microbial growth and metabolism: a whole-organism perspective // Science Progress, 2017. Vol. 100, No. 4. pp. 343-362.

Nev O.A., Nev O.A. and van den Berg H. A. Optimal management of nutrient reserves in microorganisms under time-varying environmental conditions // J. Theor. Biol., 2017. Vol. 429. pp. 124-141.

Nev O.A. and van den Berg H. A. Variable-Internal-Stores models of microbial growth and metabolism with dynamic allocation of cellular resources // J. Math. Biol., 2017. Vol. 74, No. 1. pp. 409–445.

Krivulin N. K. and Nev O. A. Calculation of the Asymptotic Characteristics of a Stochastic Synchronised Dynamic System // Vestnik St. Petersburg University, Mathematics, 2014. Vol. 47, No. 4. pp. 145-153.

Krivulin N. K. and Nev O. A. A study of asymptotic properties of a stochastic dynamical system with event synchronisation (in Russian) // Models and Methods of Tropical Mathematics with Applications to Problems in Economics and Management / Ed. by N. K. Krivulin. St. Petersburg: VVM, 2013. pp. 59–73.

Krivulin N.K. and Nev O.A. Calculation of the Lyapunov exponent for a generalised linear stochastic system with a symmetric matrix (in Russian) // Mathematical models. Theory and applications / Ed. by M.K. Chirkov. St. Petersburg: VVM, 2012. pp. 107–119.

Krivulin N.K. and Nev O.A. Asymptotic properties of state vector in a generalised linear stochastic dynamical system with symmetric matrix (in Russian) // Stochastic Optimisation in Informatics, 2011. Vol. 7. pp. 232–239.

Teaching experience

2012 - 2013: Saint-Petersburg University of Economics, faculty of Information Systems in Economics and Management, department of Advanced Mathematics

Leading workshops for students (Advanced Mathematics)

2007 - 2008: Nizhniy Novgorod State University, faculty of Economics, department of Information Technologies

Leading workshops and lab classes for students (Advanced Mathematics, Methods of Optimization) 

Conferences, Workshops, Summer Schools and Training

MathSys Summer School Introduction to Machine Learning, the University of Warwick (June 2017)

Secondment at the TU Delft, Biotechnology department, Cell Systems Engineering research group (September - November 2016)

Spatiotemporal Modeling and Simulation of Biological Systems, the Center for Systems Biology Dresden (CSBD) and the International Max Planck Research School for Cell, Developmental, and Systems Biology (July 2016)

Meeting of the European Society for Mathematical and Theoretical Biology and the Society for Mathematical Biology, The Centre for Mathematical Medicine and Biology of the University of Nottingham (July 2016)

Barcelona 3rd Summer School on Stochastic Analysis, the Centre de Recerca Matematica (June - July 2016)

Advances in numerical and analytic approaches for the study of non-spatial stochastic dynamical systems in molecular biology, Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, the University of Cambridge (April 2016)

Brownian Motion (MA4F7), the University of Warwick (January - March 2016)

Introduction to Chemistry and Biochemistry (CH932), the University of Warwick (October - November 2015)

Mathematical modelling (CH924), the University of Warwick (January - March 2015)

Transferable skills

Doctoral Skills 3 - May 2017

Doctoral Skills 2 - December 2016

Envisioning and enabling innovation - March 2016

Doctoral Skills 1 - December 2015

Team Working in a Research Environment - July 2015

Science Communication Course - April 2015



Contact Details


Senate House

University of Warwick



E-Mail: O dot Nev at warwick dot ac dot uk