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Applying to MOAC

The application form to fill in is simply the standard University of Warwick Postgraduate Application form.


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The University is now charging a non-refundable application fee for taught MSc courses. This fee is GBP 30.00 if you apply online or GBP 50.00 if your application is submitted through the post. These fees are subject to change without notice.

MOAC will refund the application fees if you accept and take up an offer of a place.

Alternatively, apply for the MOAC PhD and incur no application fee - the code for this PhD is F1P7.


UK Applicants

MOAC can award up to 10 EPSRC Studentships that offer

  • The payment of your academic fees
  • A maintenance grant of currently £14, 000 tax-free (for full-time award holders in 2008/2009)

EU Applicants

EU students are not currently eligible for full EPSRC scholarships. However, MOAC has a limited number of stipends to give away that will cover the cost of your tuition fees.

Also see the European Scholarship Database for further funding opportunities.


Overseas Application (Non-European Union)

No grants are available from Research Councils (i.e. EPSRC, BBSRC, etc) for overseas students.

Overseas students can apply for one of the grants available from the British Council or from the International Office at Warwick.

Also see Warwick Postgraduate Research Fellowship pages and the European Scholarship Database.

Funding may also be available from your own government and ministry of education. They generally have good scholarships for students that wish to pursue further eduaction.
For most of the scholarships one would have to apply at least 6 months in advance. This means you might have to fund yourself at least for the first year.


Background Information

MOAC Doctoral Training Centre offers a 4 year programme whose first year leads to an MSc, with the final 3 years leading to a PhD. The PhD research programme in MOAC assumes that you have the first year MSc training

Please visit the the Warwick Postgraduate Pages to view the current Postgraduate Prospectus online.

You can also order a printed copy of the Postgraduate Prospectus if you prefer.