Who are we looking for?
You are interested in becoming a genuinely multi-disciplinary researcher at the interface between the life sciences, the physical sciences, and mathematics, redefining the face of biology in a time where progress critically depends on the ability to integrate experimental and theoretical research skills.
You have a strong degree in either biology, mathematics, statistics, computer science, physics, chemistry or engineering. You are looking to combine some or all of these subjects in advanced research training, so that you will be optimally prepared for a rapidly expanding field of research.
You are looking for a PhD programme that encompasses a wide spectrum of disciplines and research techniques, so you can tailor a PhD project to your research interests.
Which doctoral training programme is right for you?
Focus on biomolecules
The Mathematical Biology and Biophysical Chemistry MSc focuses on the biophysical chemistry of individual biomolecules and meso-scale aggregates of biomolecules, without losing sight of the biological context (cell, tissue, organism). The programme places a considerable emphasis on the interface with chemistry and physics, as well as on data analysis and advanced instrumentation. The miniprojects in the Master's year allow you to experience three different research cultures: (i) life sciences; (ii) chemistry/physical chemistry; (iii) maths/stats/computational. The MBBC MSc is followed by a three-year Multidisciplinary Science PhD degree course.Focus on integrative biology
The Systems Biology MSc focuses on the interface between the life sciences and mathematics/statistics/bioinformatics. The emphasis is on an integrative approach to biological problems; important aspects of such an approach are analysis of high-throughput data, connecting genes to function (gene regulatory networks, functional genomics/proteomics), and linking levels of biological organisation (from molecule to whole-organism to community). There are two miniprojects (one in the life sciences, one in maths/stats/bioinformatics). The WSB MSc is followed by a three-year PhD degree course which integrates experimental and theoretical aspects of a biological research topic.Focus on complex behaviour
The Complexity Science MSc focuses on complex systems that consist of many interdependent components and exhibit self-organisation and emergent behaviour at the whole-system level. The emphasis is on advanced computational techniques and their application to new fields where large amounts of quantitative data are becoming available, calling for innovative methods of analysis. The techniques are drawn from mathematics (dynamical systems, chaos), statistics, physics (phase transitions), chemistry (self-assembly), biology (network models, e.g. neuroscience, metabolism), and computer science (agent-based modelling e.g. economics, finance). Exciting new fields of application include transport, health and social communities. There are two end-user oriented miniprojects; the Complexity MSc is followed by a three-year PhD degree course.
If multidisciplinary research is not for you...
...and you would rather do a postgraduate degree in straight Chemistry, have a look at opportunities in Warwick's excellent Chemistry Department