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Report on Ada Lovelace Day 2023

This year's Ada Lovelace Day event saw a record number of attendees come to celebrate the achievements of women in STEM.

This year's iteration of the annual event was hosted on Wednesday 18th October, and featured four amazing speakers who came to share with our students and staff the story of their careers, and what they've achieved since graduation. We heard from three alumni speakers who have worked in careers including machine learning, finance, and health data; and one speaker who is a lecturer in the Warwick Zeeman Institute. Between them they showcased the wonderful variety of fields that those who have studied the mathematical sciences - and in particular women - contribute to.

This year we had more guests in attendance than in any previous year, for which we'd like to thank the execs of the University of Warwick Computing Society, Warwick Maths Society, and Warwick Statistics Society, who greatly helped us with advertising the event in order to make sure it reached as many interested people as possible. And we'd like to thank the speakers again for taking the time to come and share their stories and achievements with us!

Thu 19 Oct 2023, 17:28