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Physics UK MBE 2015

UK MBE Workshop 2015

Monday 23rd March – Tuesday 24th March 2015, Radcliffe House, University of Warwick

I am glad to welcome you to the UK Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) workshop 2015 which will take place at the University of Warwick, on 23rd – 24th March 2015. The workshop has been bringing together the UK research and industrial communities working on Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) each year since 1980’s.

The aim of the workshop is to share experience not only about scientific but also technical aspects of MBE, including users experiences with recent systems installations. Therefore scientific contributions are welcome, as well as those for technical innovations or specific problems. Contributions from exhibitors about the MBE are welcome as well as a series of 15 minute presentations covering all aspects of MBE. There will be an open discussion session covering broader themes where contributions and comments from all attendees is encouraged. Those wishing to give presentations at the event should email the programme secretary (Dr Ian Farrer) with a proposed title as soon as possible.

The main scientific topics include MBE growth and characterization of:

  • Semiconductor structures (III-V, II-VI, group-IV etc)
  • 2D materials (Graphene, Silicene, Germanane etc)
  • Oxides
  • Magnetic materials
  • High and low-k materials
  • Organic materials
  • Low-dimensional structures (Nanowires, Quantum dots etc)

In addition to the talks there will be an exhibition in which companies will have the opportunity to present themselves and their products. The exhibition is situated in front of the lecture hall and provides time and space for interesting discussions and demonstration of the latest equipment and techniques.

The organizing team and I are looking forward to a successful and productive UK MBE Workshop 2015!

Dr Maksym Myronov

Registration and prices

Registration is now closed.



Workshop Programme

UK MBE Workshop Programme (PDF Document)

If you have booked accommodation or are attending the dinner on Monday evening, registration is open from 6-8pm in the reception area of Radcliffe House, with drinks provided in the lounge area (three drinks vouchers will be issued for each person during registration which you can present at the bar). This is followed by dinner at 8pm in the private dining room at Radcliffe House. The menu will be provided on the evening where you can select your choices (including vegetarian options which will be available). The talks begins at 9:00am on the Tuesday in teh Meeting Room 2 as per the attached programme.

Location and Venue

The meeting will be held at Radcliffe House, Scraman Road, University of Warwick. Radcliffe House provides superb facilities for conferences and events. Please find more information about Radcliffe here

The address is:

Radcliffe - Warwick Conferences
The University of Warwick
Scarman Road
(Signposted from Gibbet Hill Road)
Coventry, CV4 7AL UK
Tel: +44 (0) 24 7647 4711
Fax: +44 (0) 24 7669 4282

Directions and Travel Information

For travel directions to Radcliffe House, please click here. A map of the campus can be found here.

Please note: the post code CV4 7AL covers the whole of the main campus. As such, a Sat-Nav will direct you around a one-way road (University Road), which you do not need to follow. Therefore, please see attached a Campus Map showing more precisely the location of Scarman. Instead of following University Road, you will see Scarman Road, just off Gibbet Hill Road, is the turning you will need to take. More detailed directions can be found here

Road works Information
Coventry City Council in conjunction with the University and Highways Agency are working on a major development to improve the roads in and around the University, specifically aiming to improve the safety and capacity of our roads, and the appearance and accessibility of the campus.

This may have an impact on delegates’ journey times, depending on where they are travelling from. It is recommended that they leave additional time when planning their route. Details of the road works can be found on the following link:

Information for Exhibitors

There will be 10 stands provided in the lounge at Radcliffe House. Each desk measures approximately 4 foot by 2 foot. There will also be a room available for storing equipment.

List of exhibitors


Bed and breakfast in high quality en-suite accommodation will be provided in Radcliffe House for Monday 23rd March. More information about the facilities available can be found here. To book accomodation please complete the registration form above.

Car Parking

Free car parking will be available at Radcliffe House. To exit the car park, you will need to collect a token from receiption and enter it into the exit barrier

Receipts and Payments on the Day

Receipts will be issued during registration (a small number of delegates have already received receipts). However if you would prefer to receive a receipt by email before the workshop, please contact Rachel Harrington below. If you have not already paid or had problems with the online payment system, payments can be made during registration. Please note we can only accept cash or cheque on the day and not credit cards.

The organizing team

Dr Maksym Myronov
Dr Ian Farrer
Programme Secretary

Rachel Harrington
Conference Secretary

The University of Warwick
Tel: +44 (0)24 765 74383

The University of Cambridge
Tel: +44 (0)1223 764173

The University of Warwick
Tel: +44 (0)2476 523376



 UKMBE2015 participants photo