Edward Morrissey
I studied Physics (5 year degree) at the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, specialising in theoretical physics. After my degree I worked for a year in industry (programmer and SAP consultant). I have also worked on Nuclear Physics (Spanish National Research Council
), Theoretical Neuroscience (Theoretical Physics Department UAM
) and Bioinformatics (Spanish National Cancer Research Centre
I am working on Bayesian gene regulatory network inference in Streptomyces coelicolor. The project is part of STREAM, a European project involving research groups from UK, Germany, Holland, Spain and Norway.
Visiting Scholar
From April to October I was a visiting scholar at the Collins Lab.
PhD Supervisors
My PhD supervisors are Professor Nigel Burroughs (main supervisor) and Professor David Hodgson
PhD Advisory Committee
Professor Jim Beynon (Wariwick HRI), Julia Brettschneider
(Statistics) and Hendrik Schaefer
(Biological Sciences)
An R/Bioconductor package (GRENITS, Gene Regulatory Newtork Inference using Time Series) implementing the methods published below can be found here.
Morrissey, E.R., Juárez, M.A., Denby, K.J. and Burroughs, N.J. 2011. Inferring the time-invariant topology of a nonlinear sparse gene regulatory network using fully Bayesian spline autoregression Biostatistics 2011; doi:10.1093/biostatistics/kxr009
Morrissey, E.R., Juárez, M.A., Denby, K.J. and Burroughs, N.J. 2010. On reverse engineering of gene interaction networks using time course data with repeated measurements. Bioinformatics 2010; doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btq421
STREAM Consortium, 2010. The dynamic architecture of the metabolic switch in Streptomyces coelicolor. BMC Genomics 2010, 11:10
Pre PhD
Morrissey E, Diaz-Uriarte R. 2009. Pomelo II: finding differentially expressed genes. Nucl. Acids. Res, doi: 10.1093/nar/gkp366.
Diaz-Uriarte, R., Alibés, A., Morrissey, E. R., Cañada, A., Rueda, O.M., Neves, M. L. 2007. Asterias: integrated analysis of expression and aCGH data using an open-source, web-based, parallelized software suite. Nucleic Acids Research,2007, 35, No. suppl_2 W75-W80.
Alibés, A., Morrissey, E. R., Cañada, A., Rueda, O. M., Casado, D., Yankilevich, P., and Díaz-Uriarte, R. 2006. Asterias: a parallelized web-based suite for the analysis of expression and aCGH data. Cancer Informatics, 2 :1-9.
Turrión M., Tengblad O., Borge M., Reillo E. , Morrissey E.R., and Santana M. On line Release Simulator of Radioactive Beams produced by ISOL technique AIP Conf. Proc. -- February 12, 2007 -- Volume 884, pp. 278-284
I taught the problems classes for Modelling and Statistics in Systems Biology (BS917) 2008/2009
Conferences Attended
11 th International Conference on Systems Biology (Edinburgh, UK), Oct 2010: Network Perturbations: Simultaneous inference of networks and external perturbations (POSTER)
Networks: Dynamics and Flows NET2009 (Warwick, UK), 2009: Inferring gene regulatory network topology using a non linear sparse Dynamic Bayesian Network model (TALK)
SysMO Evaluation Conference (Vienna, Austria), May 2009: Regulatory Networks: Inference and Experimental Validation (POSTER)
Sparsity in Machine Learning and Statistics - Cumberland Lodge (London, UK), April 2009 : Inferring genetic regulation using Sparse Bayesian Regression with Penalised Splines (POSTER)
Postgraduate Student Symposium HRI (Warwick, UK), 2009: From gene expression to regulatory networks (POSTER)
9th International Conference on Systems Biology (Gothenburg, Sweden), August 2008: Bayesian inference of gene networks using a flexible sparse Dynamic Bayesian Network model (POSTER)
Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting (Wisconsin, USA), 2005: Populations of Hodgkin-Huxley type neurons under slow background noise (POSTER)