Arturas Grauslys
2012-(2015) - PhD Systems Biology, University of Warwick / Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine
2011-2012 - MSc Systems Biology, University of Warwick
2009-2010 - MSc Bioinformatics, Cranfield University
2003-2009 - Masters degree in Medicine, Kaunas University of Medicine
Previous Research
MSc Bioinformatics project: "Development of Support Vector Machine Models for Detecting Spoilage in Meat Samples"
I used R to develop and compare SVM models to predict spoilage in meat samples from data, collected using FT-IR spectroscopy, HPLC and eNose devices.
The produced classification models were partly implemented in Java as an online tool for data analysis.
This work was a part of international "Symbiosis-EU" project.