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Julio Lahoz-Beneytez

I first gained an interest in conducting scientific research when I was 17, and so since then this has been aim. I studied a five year degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences, during that time I tried to get the most of it and I did two internships (HIV research and Experimental Embriology research) as well as I helped in the organizing of a national congress of pharmacy students. After graduating I went to Rwanda where I taught Biology to the teachers of the Nemba School II, Gakenke District. Unfortunately, this was for a short period and I had to leave since I was starting a new course in Uppsala University, Sweden. There I obtained my first contact with modelling and simulation, an experience which drove my next decision: applying for an MSc degree in Systems Biology at Warwick University. From this course I will become confident in the art of modelling and simulation, combining it with my experimental experience in order to gain entry onto a PhD degree in Pharmacokinetics and Systems Immunology.


Uppsala University, Sweden
Degree Project in Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics
Grade: Pass (Pass course only)

Miguel Hernandez Elche University, Spain
Five year degree in Pharmacy
Average grade: 7.94 (Max. 10, Min. 0, Pass 5)


Department of Pharmacy, Uppsala Universitet. Uppsala, Sweden.
Research fellowship
[PBPK model design, sensitivity simulations, statistical analysis, gathering of data, Berkeley Madonna v8.3.18, WinNonlin Professional software V5.2, Prism 5 for Windows v5.04]

Neuroscience Institute of Alicante (UMH-CSIC). Alicante, Spain.
Research fellowship
[In Toto RNA In Situ Hybridization, RNA In Situ Hybridization for vibratome sections, labelled riboprobes generation, gel electrophoresis, cell transformation, competent cells generation, mouse experimental model.]

IrsiCaixa, Institute for AIDS Research. Barcelona, Spain.
Research fellowship
[Isolation and culture of monocytes, citokyne stimulation, PCR, Real Time-PCR, mRNA measurement, statistical analysis.]


Lahoz J, Sjögren E, Lennernäs H. Hepatic disposition of ximelagatran in pigs: Making the most out of data through mechanistic modelling. Poster presentation - Farmaceustika fakultetens examenssymposium, Uppsala, Sweden.

Lahoz J, Crespo-Enriquez I, Escamez T, Martínez S & Echevarria D. Expression domains of FLRTs family in the mouse mid- hindbrain region during neural tube development. Poster presentation – 8th IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience, Florence , Italy.

Lahoz J, Pol E. Dosificación de Antipsicóticos. Boletín Fármacos 2011; 14:153-5

Lahoz J. Apobec3G is expressed upon combined stimulation with interleukin-12 and interleukin-18 in human macrophage population. Speaker at V Congress of Pharmacy Students from Alicante.


Julio Lahoz Beneytez
MSc Student
Systems Biology DTC
Senate House
University of Warwick