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Professor Steven Brown's interview in research professional news on being awarded the EPSRC Strategic Equipment Grant

Professor Steven Brown’s Strategic Equipment Grant from the EPSRC, worth nearly £1 million and awarded at the beginning of this year, did not in fact fund the purchase of a single item of equipment. That is because it is a “resource only” grant and therefore goes towards activities to increase access and maximise the value of existing equipment. Professor Brown, the director of The University of Warwick's Centre for Doctoral Training in Analytical Science, discusses how he assembled his bid. The full article can be found at:

Research Professional News- Professor Brown's winning proposal

Wed 27 Oct 2021, 15:07

WASC launch highlighted in RSC's Analytical Matters newsletter

It's exciting to see The Royal Society of Chemistry's winter 2021 edition of Analytical Matters highlighting the launch of WASC at Warwick.

The article details the EPSRC four year grant and how the funding will be used to facilitate enhanced access to experimental Analytical Science Instrumentation (AS-I) at Warwick, with a particular focus towards supporting postgraduate training, expanding multi-disciplinary collaboration and investing in the development of research technical professionals (RTProfs).

To read the newsletter in full, please visit: Analytical Matters

For more information and to learn about our facilities, please visit us at WASC and follow @WASC_Warwick for updates.

Wed 03 Mar 2021, 11:38

Technical Support Specialist- Chris Waldron

We welcome Dr Chris Waldron, who starts today as the Technical Support Specialist (Analytical Techniques), funded on WASC. Chris may be familiar to some of you as in his previous role he worked in Chemistry and had previously obtained a PhD in the Haddleton group.

Mon 01 Feb 2021, 17:08

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