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British Biophysical Society 2014 Biennial Meeting 9-11th July 2014

Banner for BBS 2014 Meeting

FINDING US: The conference is located in or near Lecture Rooms 3 on the Science Concourse. The easiest way to find it is to find the bridge leading to the library entry then turn around and head away from the library. It is about 200 m (I guess) on your left. Alternatively you could turn up to the conference reception which I believe will be in the Students Union building sort of down, behind and under the supermarket. If your search for "Chemistry and Science Concourse” or "Students Union” on the interactive campus map that may help:

British Biophysical Society 2014 Biennial Meeting

"New Frontiers in Biophysics"

An exciting programme of poster sessions and two parallel scientific sessions across
a wide range of biophysical techniques and systems


The meeting will feature FOUR plenary lectures by:

• Professor Sir John Walker FRS (MRC Mitochondrial Biology Unit)

• Professor Gabriel Waksman FRS (University College London)

• Professor Ernst Bamberg (Max Planck Institute of Biophysics, Hamburg)

• Professor Wolfgang Baumeister (Max-Planck-Institute of Biochemistry, Martinsried)

As well as sessions on:

  • Probe microscopy/AFM (Chairs: Stephanie Allen, Phil Williams)

  • Membrane proteins / Magnetic resonance (Chairs: Anthony Watts, Ann Dixon)

  • Modeling and theory (Chairs: Mark Rodger, Jonathan Essex)

  • Fibrous structures (Chairs: Louise Serpell, Adam Squires)

  • Single Molecule imaging (Chairs: Mark Leake, Rob Cross)

  • Scattering / Hydrodynamics (Chairs: David Scott, Olwyn Byron)

  • EM / Tomography (Chairs: Elena Orlova, Robert Ford)

  • Self Assembly (Chairs: jennifer Potts, Dek Woolfson)

Confirmed Speakers include:

Helen Saibil (Birkbeck College, London), Joseph Marsh (EMBL, EBI), Andrew Turberfield (University of Oxford), Todd Yeates (UCLA), Jennifer Potts (University of York), Tuomas Knowles (University of Cambridge), Wei-Feng Xue(University of Kent), Akihiro Kusumi (Kyoto University), Ewan Main (Queen Mary College, London), Ann McDermott (Columbia University), Daniel Nietlispach (University of Cambridge) and lots of others.

Young Researchers

Young researcher are particularly encouraged to submit their abstracts, as approximately 50% of all talks will be selected from the submissions. ORAL FLASH PRESENTATIONS WILL PRECEED THE POSTER SESSION


Student travel bursaries are available for BBS members, and travel/subsistence students for young scientists (PhD/first post-doc) from countries in Europe that are in need of support.

Reduced registration for BBS Members -Sign Up Here





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