Marie Curie CAS-IDP
1. Predictive modelling of bacterial cell division and
2. ‘Quality by Design’ of pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical products
Analytical science is a key feature for the success of any fundamental or applied research programme and underpins industrial progress and production. In order to achieve the next level of innovation in European research and industry we need new analytical methodologies, both experimental and theoretical, and new ways of applying existing techniques. Achieving this will require European analytical scientists trained to think creatively, innovatively, critically, and practically, who have the ability to apply analytical science to particular problems as well as to transfer skills to completely new areas.
The research themes have been selected due to their common needs for new analytical science to make the next step change in capability and their connection to the development of the next generation of new pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical products, urgently needed for improving healthcare in the Europe. Our proposed IDP will integrate a wide range of experimental approaches with appropriate theoretical methods to produce new ways to solve problems innovatively and efficiently. Arguably we shall create a new supra-discipline of: Integrative theoretical and experimental analytical science.
Our aim is to make Analytical Science: Transdisciplinary—Transformative—Translational—Transnational
The ESRs are trained as a cohort, providing them with the skills and depth of expertise they require to pursue a career as an Analytical Scientists whether in industry, academia, health care, a research centre, or the charitable sector to the benefit of the EU economy.
Specifically, the graduates from CAS-IDP will be able to integrate theoretical and experimental analytical science methodologies and transfer their experience and expertise to problem solving in many different areas of Analytical Science.
The ESRs of CAS-IDP will each undertake a world-leading analytical science research project in one of the two themes, each involving technique development and application, and integrated industrial and international secondments.
The training programme is being delivered by the members of the Supervisory Board in an integrated international and intersectoral fashion. By having the home base of all ESRs at Warwick we shall be able to establish a close-knit, international, cross-disciplinary community of scientists who will support each other across the different projects and will collectively benefit from the secondment experiences of all their colleagues.
Further information on the outline project plans may be found at: Outlines of the projects
Further information on the ESRs appointed and their project progress may be found at: CAS-IDP ESRs. The CAS-IDP students benefit from the EPSRC MOAC Doctoral Training Centre and Molecular Analytical Science Centres for Doctoral Training environments.
Individual ESR 6-month progress reports are included at: Six month progress reports
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no: 316630