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Flexible Working

In October 2017 the Flexible Working Policy was launched, this was in direct response to feedback received from the 2016 Pulse Staff Survey and two World Café’ events on the topic of flexible working.
The following arrangements were agreed by WMG’s Operational Executive Group for all staff groups:

  • Flexible start and finish times to be agreed within teams with senior manager approval, allowing parents to attend before and after school activities, for example.
  • Flexible lunch hours to be agreed locally to allow participation in sports activities, for example.
  • Consideration to be made by line managers for occasional home working requests for all staff groups.
  • Communication of improved IT infrastructure in place to support remote working.
  • The scheduling of training, meetings and other departmental events to be within core hours (10am-3.30pm) where possible.

If you have any queries regarding the Flexible Working Policy or are experiencing difficulties getting approval for flexible hours please email