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Athena SWAN

What is Athena SWAN?

Athena SWAN is a Charter launched in 2005 to acknolwedge the commitment shown by institutions who endeavoured to address gender inequality in the science disciplines by supporting and promoting the progression of women in STEMM in HE and research.

In May 2015 the Charter expanded it's remit to include the Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences, Business and Law with a focus on gender equality more broadly.

WMG and Athena SWAN

WMG has been a member of the Charter since 2014 submitting it's application for a Bronze Award in 2013, and retaining this award in 2016.


″WMG's strategic vision is to achieve impact through world-leading research and address global challenges through education. The department has 7 strategic goals, one focussed on People and a set of core values promoted department wide. These values include professionalism, respect and teamwork and are at the heart of our culture. The development and empowerment of our staff are critical factors to our ongoing success."

Professor Lord Bhattacharrya

What difference does this make to our employees?

Working with the Charter is helping the University to identify and follow best practice. The main areas in which good practice can make a difference are:

WMG currently holds a department Bronze Award from Athena Swan.

Details about the Charter are described on the University’s Athena SWAN page.

The University holds a Silver Award and is actively encouraging all Schools and Departments to apply for departmental awards.

WMG submitted its application for a Silver Award (PDF Document) in November 2016. WMG retained a Bronze Award.

For further information about WMG’s Athena SWAN activities, please contact J dot Shepherd at warwick dot ac dot uk or sue dot horner at Warwick dot ac dot uk.