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Lauren Schrock, Teaching Fellow

A typical day
There is no such thing as a typical day when you’re a teacher! I may be teaching a class, working on a journal article, supervising research projects, meeting with students, or hosting student film night. I am also involved in projects outside of WMG in the aim of improving the wider student experience, such as researching on student wellbeing and supporting the International Conference of Undergraduate Students (ICUR).

I believe that excellent teachers not only invest in a student’s academic success, but also care for the development of students as individuals. I strive to demonstrate this care for students on a daily basis through active listening, checking in on how they’re doing in and out of class, and recognising that they are people (and not solely customers).

I like to start my class by asking how my students are doing (e.g. modules, weekend plans, funny stories etc.). I do this in order to encourage my students to reflect not only on what they want to do in life, but also how they want to live it.

The students

The thing I enjoy most about my role is my students. They are a good source of entertainment and inspiration - they can really make me laugh. The students also give my work meaning. I feel my absolute best when a student says ‘thank you’ for my support and encouragement in helping them to succeed.

My research
My research is in critical management studies and often takes a critical perspective to culture. For example, I recently published a paper examining an illustration by Norman Rockwell as an example of everyday financialisation used to justify play as work.

As someone who does not identify as a STEM scholar, what I enjoy most about working at WMG is being surrounded by people who think differently. It challenges me to adopt and adapt to diverse perspectives and values.

Lauren Schrock

Lauren Schrock

Teaching Fellow