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Lucy Inman, Senior Programme Co-ordinator

I line manage a team of four in the full-time MSc Course Office looking after the ‘student cycle.’ We manage everything from student inductions to planning and facilitating modules and timetables, through to dissertation submission for more than 700 students. Our office is a hub of activity with students coming and going, and there really is no such thing as a quiet month.

My early career

I graduated from Reading University in 2005 with a degree in Economics and Human Geography and spent the first seven years of my career in the town planning department at Warwick District Council. In 2012 I joined the Graduate School at the University of Warwick and then moved over to WMG to join the Course Office team on secondment.


Before my secondment came to an end I was offered an Assistant Programme Coordinator position and WMG was very supportive and helpful enabling me to finish my secondment before taking up this role. Within a year I was then promoted to my current role as a Senior Programme Co-ordinator.

Although I already worked at the University of Warwick I wanted to be based inside a department and work more closely with students, so it was the perfect fit. I get to work with students from around the world dealing with all sorts of issues, meaning no two days are ever the same. My advice would be to take the opportunities you are given and take a chance, you never know what they might lead to.