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Service Support Technologies

The Service Support Technologies module looks at the technologies available to both deliver and support service.

The module will consider diagnostic tools both in terms of healthcare diagnostics and machinery diagnostics, such as those on intelligent vehicles.

The secondary level of technological support in terms of information systems and global business implications will also be covered.



On completion the particpant will:

  1. Comprehensively understand similarities and differences between sectors in their understanding of ‘Service Support’ and what is being served.
  2. Comprehensively understand the role of technology in delivering Service and recognise the distinction between primary provider and enabling technologies.
  3. Have a theoretical understanding of the tools available to manage and exploit emergent technologies to enable excellent service provision
  4. Have knowledge, understanding and the ability to select and systematically apply appropriate modelling methodologies and tools to design service support systems.
  5. Recognise and understand different types of service technology and appropriate exploitation.
  6. Recognise and understand the role of technology to enable service support systems.
  7. Interpret and critique a given service system and advise practical improvements to it.
  8. Independently generate business processes and advise appropriate technology to support systemic deliver of service.
  9. Independently generate and analyse a service models



  1. Modelling and optimisation of service support technology and information systems
  2. Technology Management for service support.
    • Technology Road mapping
    • Horizon Scanning
    • Technology maturity models
  3. Definition and Classification of service support technologies
  4. Information Systems for service support technology
  5. Product Life Cycle Management for service support
  6. Technology Case Studies including
    RFID – Radio frequency ID
    IVHM – Integrated Vehicle Health Monitoring or Management
    Distributed on-board health monitoring systems – sensors and computers
    Inspection Techniques / Diagnostics
    Repair techniques
    Technology support for logistics management
    Remote manufacturing / mobile manufacturing
    Remote Human health mointoring
    Smart Metering and smart grid
    Smart materials
    Cloud Service technologies for regional economic growth



4.5 days