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WMG FTMSc Blog Collection

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What is it Like to study innovation?!

Before starting my degree in Innovation and Entrepreneurship, I was wondering how is it like to study innovation? Will it be some tools about how to apply creative thinking? Will it be some success stories of edgy startups? Or it will be about breakthrough inventions and patents? But actually, the biggest question was “is innovation something that can be taught?


It didn’t take me much time to find the answer to these questions as the Innovation module was my second module for the first term of my studies. The module lasted for a whole week which I consider one of the most exciting weeks in my experience in WMG. Let me give you a glimpse of how it was like.


Few weeks before the module start date, we received the pre-module work which warmed up our minds and put us into the module mode. It had two main parts; first, some readings and videos based on the book “Entrepreneurship in emerging and developing economies” which is co-authored by the Innovation course leader Ali Ahmad. The book discussed a different aspect of enterprise and entrepreneurship with lots of cases from different markets.


The second part of the pre-module work was to complete our “Belbin profiles”. Belbin is a powerful team formation tool in which students answer some questions individually about their way of work and the results indicate their work style and their role as team players. Each student completed their profile and by the module start date, we were allocated into five teams.


For me, the module has two different sides a theoretical one and a practical one. On the theoretical side, the module takes us through different practices and concepts of innovation such as dark innovation, disruptive innovation, open innovation and innovation in corporates& the public sector. We had the chance to understand those concepts through many case studies and examples.

On the practical side, which was the most exciting for me, we went through "Stratsim simulation" which is a software simulation for our five competing student teams representing five automotive companies. Each company has a different mix of technology, products, distribution dealerships and marketing strategies. For six consecutive years, we needed to study the market opportunities and threats then take decisions upon our analysis. The decisions types varied between investment, new products, new facilities and emergencies. After six tough rounds, my team could achieve first place with the highest market value and net income!

I liked the high amount of interaction throughout the module which made a whole load of information easier to digest through competitive gamified quizzes and group work. The course had different tutors which enriched the discussions and the module output.


Now, to be back to our big question of whether innovation can be taught or not. And the answer is innovation isn’t just a theory or a tool that can be given with a spoon to the student. It is a mix of knowledge, practice, experience and creativity and as a student, you will get access to many resources, but it is your turn to benefit from those resources to have your own innovation mix.

Sun 21 Feb 2021, 03:03 | Tags: Ahmed Saad - IAE

Surviving the lockdown on campus

14 days of self-isolation and 2 national lockdowns in just 5 months. That was the -not so pretty- start for my first time in the UK. Let’s start from the beginning, I arrived last September, and I knew that Covid19 may not make this year as expected. Upon arrival, I had to self-isolate for 14 days which was quite challenging at the beginning to figure out how can I get my necessities and what are the things that I should be doing during the 2 weeks.


Surviving the two weeks wasn’t as hard as it looked at the beginning. Getting the necessities and familiarizing myself with my flat was made easy as the university accommodation provided guidance and help for all the self-isolated students. In addition, the induction week activities and events were so many (and by many, I mean in hundreds) and that kept me busy the whole day knowing new people, learning about the activities and the student societies.


After a few weeks, the Covid19 infection rate got so high and the government had to put its 2nd national lockdown for 4 weeks to control the situation. It was so frustrating to stay in the room all this time, but we were hoping that the lockdown may take the numbers down and we would have a nice Christmas vacation. Unfortunately, a few days before the Christmas vacation the 3rd lockdown took place due to the crazily rising numbers of Covid19 cases.


I’m writing this blog today the 21st of Feb 2021 and we are still in the 3rd lockdown. Hopefully, we get some good news next week. Anyway, let me share with you some few tips on how to survive this time:

  • · Talk to people every day
    call your family, talk to your classmates and have some kitchen chats over dinner with your flatmates. Staying in the room the whole day without communication really drags the soul down.
  • · Go out for a walk
    the campus is so green and big with many walking routes and beautiful lake views. Walking and exercising keep the body energetic and boost mental health.
  • · Cook something nice
    get your little chef out and cook something that you like. And if you can’t cook, well, there is no better time to learn than the lockdown.
  • · Get yourself engaged in student activities
    There is a student society for almost everything you might be interested in. It’s always a good chance to know more people outside your classmates.
  • · Prepare a nice study environment
    Get some helping stationery, a screen and some green plants. You will be spending most of your time studying at your desk so better make it an appealing workspace.


Surviving the lockdown isn’t easy. Loneliness and depression can easily get under your skin. Actually, it is okay to sometimes feel down but always keep in mind that it is a tough time for everyone and it’s an achievement to safely survive.

Sun 21 Feb 2021, 02:55 | Tags: Ahmed Saad - IAE

Dawn of a new Year & beginning of a new chapter

Done it, been there:

  • Student-Staff Liaison Committee member
  • LGBTUA+ representative: a volunteering role to educate myself on equality, inclusion and diversity on campus.
  • Student Marketer and blogger
  • Writing a thesis in a field I am passionate about
  • Master Degree obtained with Distinction

Looking back on the journey, I feel sad to say goodbye but I equally feel grateful for the learning along the way. Getting to know people and staying in contact with many of you is an honour as I have now a bed in every continent on the globe. Amazing to put it this way... Being able to connect with prospective students enabled me to share my opinion and help you guys navigate in all the information sessions and activities you can join and take part in. Writing blogs was like therapy at times, being able to reflect on my own journey while being actively busy sorting things out and still living the dream was refreshing and gave me the opportunity to take a step back and enjoy every single moment of it.

With the Graduation ceremony happening in abstention I still think of what the real ceremony could be looking like. Looking back I can only see positives and nothing to be ashamed off, that is the spirit, the learning I got for myself both personal and professional is life-changing. Warwick University is ever-growing and expanding which is for me already on my to-do list 2 or 3 years from now to see how everything has changed.

A master is for me more than just a certification, it is a positive voice in my head telling me that once I am determined to get something done, I can do whatever I put my mind to do. Succeeding with a distinction has even exceeded my expectations. All I am left with now is sorrow and sadness to close the chapter, to leave such a beautiful place. Filled with gratitude towards Warwick University but WMG as well, my heart is filled with all the emotions and shared memories, to wipe my sorrow and sadness and filling it with love, proud of my accomplished duty, ready for the journey ahead of me.

Xavier de Wasseige

MSc e-Business Management

WMG People

Fri 01 Jan 2021, 18:00 | Tags: Xavier de Wasseige - e-BM

Thank You, Warwick

Hi everyone!

I feel so sad to say goodbye to you. It has been my absolute pleasure being a WMG Student Marketer and getting to know so many of you. Taking on this role, I only expected to write a few blogs per month and, occasionally, talk to prospective students. However, the bounds of this role completely exceeded my expectations. Not only was I able to have my own blog, I had the chance to interact with so many of you, be a co-host in WMG’s 2021 Orientation and push myself to try so many new activities.

All I am left with now is gratitude and I want to extend that to WMG. Warwick has made my masters year an absolute dream come true and I am so grateful that I got the opportunity to study here. Not only are the academics great, the people are so amazing – both staff and students alike.

My heart feels heavy bidding farewell to Warwick but my gratitude for the experience supersedes it all. To everyone I’ve met over the year, I hope we stay in touch and I wish you the happiest and most successful years ahead.

Thank you, Warwick. Words aren’t enough.



MSc International Trade, Strategy and Operations

Fri 01 Jan 2021, 16:59 | Tags: Katrina Gomez - ITSO

Highlights of The Year

Hey everyone!

As this year is coming to an end, I thought I would reflect on my top highlights at Warwick! I genuinely can’t believe I’m writing this. It feels like only last month I was sitting in the lecture hall for my International Trade module feeling nervous about making friends with my fellow classmates. Despite the detours this year has experienced, I am so grateful to say that I still had such a great time at Warwick. So, without further ado, here are my top highlights of this year -


1. Feeling more confident. Never did I think about the depths a great education can do for my self-confidence. I have always been a studious person but the knowledge I gained at Warwick has helped me grow in so many ways; I cannot express my gratitude enough. 

2. Having my own blog. I’m happy to say that this year I tried so many new things and one of them was having my own blog! I never thought I’d do that. 

3. Meeting so many new people. Growing up in Qatar, I thought I had met friends of so many nationalities it would be hard to meet anyone else from some place new. But, how wrong was I?! I’ve met some amazing people from Panama, Bolivia, Taiwan and Kazakhstan all in the same year! Some of who have become good friends of mine. 

4. Finding new interests. I’ve found a new love and respect for old movies and musicals! An urge to go to the gym and working with chocolate!

5. Embracing change. I realised that things don’t always work out the way you expected. And, that’s okay. If there’s anything this year has taught me it is to embrace change and the unexpected. That’s a lesson I will try to remind myself for life. 



MSc International Trade, Strategy and Operations

Fri 01 Jan 2021, 16:57 | Tags: Katrina Gomez - ITSO

Certifications to complement your master

During your studies, you will learn a lot of new things. However, as you will soon be looking for a job, employers require you to master certain skills. This is where studying and pass official certifications will make sure you have more chance on the job market.

Personally, it is only recently and when applying for jobs that certifications proved to be the right option going forward. Employers seek expertise so while studying modules you could master some of them through an official certification to prove your skills and expertise. If you happen to choose for the e-Business Management programme you may well come across modules such as Cloud Native Computing or e-CRM. Both of those modules were probably my favourites, however, taking an official certification such as Salesforce Administrator (e-CRM) and AWS Cloud Practitioner (Cloud Computing) will further prove the mastery of those skills. Certifications would have probably been on my to-do list if I happen to know about them earlier.

Trailhead the online learning platform developed by Salesforce is a very good supplement to the e-Business Management degree, offering the possibility to further dig into areas with real-life examples offering the possibility to learn and remember things as well as to put course elements in a business context. As you will be noticing if Cloud Computing is one of your modules, you may well be using AWS in class doing some exercises on the platform. Completing the certification is, therefore, a good way to be officially showing employers that you master the newly learned skills.

Learning should not stop after your degree; on the contrary, in this day and age, continuous learning should be the aim and is a very good skill to show prospective employers. A master programme is more than a certification it is a pass, a voice to open the gates of your mind who was speaking to you negatively, a voice which after graduation will speak to you in words of can-do.

“The capacity to learn is a gift; the ability to learn is a skill; the willingness to learn is a choice” B. Herbert

Xavier de Wasseige

MSc e-Business Management

Thu 31 Dec 2020, 08:00 | Tags: Xavier de Wasseige - e-BM

Finished Your Dissertation: Now What?

You’ve finished the final review, you’ve completed the spell-check (for the 10th time) and you’ve finally submitted your MSc dissertation. It’s been a long and arduous journey, filled with trials and tribulations. Now What? This post is about thinking ahead and making plans very early about your plans after completing the MSc at WMG.

My advice is simple, but not original. I must’ve heard WMG MSc alumni tell me this 100 times. You need to start thinking about your plans even at the earliest stage. This doesn’t mean that you have to have it all figured out, but rather you need to start thinking about it and once you have decided what your desired path is, take actionable steps to move you toward your goals.

Once you’ve decided on your desired post-MSc academic professional goals, it’ll now be time to use the wealth of resources and networks at your disposal and inch oneself closer to the goals. And if there is one take-home message in this entire message, then it’s this one: make full use of the resources and networks that WMG affords you as a student.

Here are two example of invaluable resources you can use to prepare for your post-MSc professional career.

1. Careers and Employability Office: This is the office responsible for organizing the WMG Futurefest and 1:1 career development appointments with MSc students. Futurefest is an annual WMG Careers fair whereby MSc students get the opportunity to interact with prospective employers. In 2020, major companies such as Hermes and Airbus graced students with their presence. The 1:1 appointments are a good opportunity to get feedback on career goals from dedicated WMG career professionals on your professional goals.

2.  University of Warwick myAdvantage: This is the University of Warwick’s vacancy portal aggregating available part-time work opportunities, company campus visits and career development opportunities.

Karabelo Maloi - MSc IAE

Mon 07 Dec 2020, 12:24 | Tags: Karabelo Maloi - IAE

Building Your Network

As the old saying goes: “Your network determines your net worth,”. This is not just cliché, but a very practical mantra that underscores the importance of this activity in reaching your professional goals. As a very wise colleague of mine at WMG once said; “Most jobs are not advertised,”. Therefore it is absolutely critical that as that MSc students looking for fulfilling employment in a challenging job market, that we hone our ability to build and maintain fruitful professional relationships in order to competitive. There are a few ways I started working on building my professional network while still at WMG.

1. LinkedIn: What a time it is to be alive! Never before has it been easier to connect with peers and potential industry mentors than it is today. In my opinion, LinkedIn is the undisputed heavyweight champion professional social media. Through LinkedIn, one click gives you access to people that can help guide and inform your career path. I have also found myself pleasantly surprised by how willing people are willing to respond to outreach messages and give me 15 or 20 minutes of their time, even though we may have never met before. LinkedIn also proved a very valuable resource for finding research interview participants for my MSc dissertation.

2. Special Events in Your Field: If you’re engineering student, and there is a TED talk being held on sustainability in engineering, then it is best practice to attend! Because at these events, you will have the opportunity to meet like-minded professionals who share your professional interests. In this way, you are much more likely to have a fruitful conversation and at the end, gain a professional contact or even a friend. This is the approach I took in my year and on many occasions I have gained fruitful professional contacts to whom I can reach out to in future for guidance.  

Karabelo Maloi - MSc IAE

Mon 07 Dec 2020, 12:09 | Tags: Karabelo Maloi - IAE

An Ode to my MSc at WMG

Writing poems is one of the many ways I love to express myself, especially when it comes to my emotions. As this marks my last post, this poem represents my truest thoughts and feelings in regards to the MSc journey at WMG. These words are written from the heart and I hope they enable you to get a glimpse of how amazing my journey has been. I’ve really loved documenting it and sharing my time spent with you and I truly hope you have enjoyed it as much as I have.

So without further ado, the eagle is landing for the last time…(I had to, it’s a Princess Diaries reference because you know I’d always share the joke with you, haha)

i stumbled upon you,

you weren’t what I had in mind originally

but I have fallen deeply in love

and witnessed how you’ve risen me above

all the plans and thoughts I had for my life

you’ve given me a chance

To dream

To envision

To see

all the endless possibilities


I am now a certified ‘problem solver’

If there’s an ebb, I will surely flow

If there’s change, I’ll pivot

& pivot some more

where there’s tears, there’s also laughter


Oh, the laughter and the spirit of


shoulders bent, huddled bodies, markers in hand, developing


presenting and gaining


writing down notes to enhance your



it’s been a great ride

one of the greatest of my entire life

Thank you

for the lessons,

the joy,

the memories

Thank you for making

a better person out of me


thank you,

MSc at WMG.


For the last time,

Tolu Karunwi

MSc Innovation & Entrepreneurship

Sun 06 Dec 2020, 17:41 | Tags: Tolu Karunwi - IAE

So, was it worth it in the end?

I’ve been doing a lot of reflecting lately. Reminiscing on my time spent studying at WMG and I’ve come to the clear conclusion that undertaking a masters in IAE was one of the greatest choices I’ve ever made.


From the incredible people I’ve been blessed to meet, to the level of independence I’ve attained, to the knowledge amassed, I look back on my time fondly as I realise how much I’ve achieved in just one short year. 9 challenging modules, 9 tasking PMAs, the most fulfilling part-time job, a dissertation, volunteering opportunities, building my business. I am so incredibly grateful for this experience and know you can and will be too.


Recently, I was asked if I had any words of wisdom to share in relation to this experience. The word ‘challenge’ was immediately flagged up because I cannot deny how much I was challenged in various ways. Let’s look into the definition shall we?

The greatest takeaway for me is not so much in the effort required but rather the process of being ‘tested’ through this challenge, being refined and encouraged to do better and be better. That is the masters experience at WMG in a nutshell. You will undoubtedly not leave the same, but leave changed, leave better. So what this experience does is it encourages you to embrace and welcome challenges. It encourages you to expand your perspective, to consider the fact that there is no challenge that is too big that cannot be faced. As a Christian, my belief is that I can do all things because Jesus gives me the ability and strength to do it. Now, I am aware that you may not share this belief, however the message still remains that when facing a challenging experience; your countenance matters and your belief system, it matters. You will only get something amazing out of this experience if you choose to keep going and keep learning and most of all, keep enjoying the ride!


So I leave you with the words of wisdom that I wrote down and hope your desire to further your career is fulfilled at an amazing place like WMG:


‘Always remember your why. Cherish every moment. Allow yourself to be challenged as it will guarantee exponential growth - academically, professionally and personally.’

Wishing you the best of luck with whatever you lay your hands to do and my prayer for you is that God, the source of hope will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit. (Romans 15:13)

Till next time,

Tolu Karunwi

MSc Innovation & Entrepreneurship

Sun 06 Dec 2020, 17:32 | Tags: Tolu Karunwi - IAE

A Few of my Favourite Things: Top 10 WMG Memories

So, 2020 is coming to an end and with it, my year spent studying at WMG will also come to an end. It’s been a beautiful ride and one of the most cherished eras of my life thus far. I still have to pinch myself that I’ve actually completed a master's, little old me! Apart from being excited and hopeful for what’s to come, I am also so thankful for the memories and would love to spend some time commemorating them; giving you a sneak peek of moments and memories you might hope to create during your time at WMG.


So without further ado, here is my top 10 list of memories made while studying at WMG!


  1. Moving to City Point


I remember arguing out why I had registered for an ensuite and was getting a ‘retro ensuite.’ Little did I know that a retro ensuite simply referred to a bigger version of the standard ensuite. Moving in was a shock as I had never had so much space in a university-based room during my 4 years of academia. I was so pleasantly surprised and had the time of my life decorating and shaping this room to become my new home away from home!


  1. The ‘Meet your Course Leader’ Event


I remember feeling nervous yet excited at the same time; the fact I was really here embarking on a master's degree was still so unbelievable to me. However, hearing from Professor Jay Bal (the IAE course leader at the time) and a few WMG-alumni gave me the zeal and motivation I needed. There were so many gems shared, a few of them I actually wrote down and would love to share with you:


  • ‘As a student, you’ve been given a license to make mistakes and learn from those mistakes.’ - Professor Jay Bal
  • ‘Ideas are worthless unless you execute them’ - David Suarez, WMG alumni

  1. Getting to know my course mates

You know when you have conversations with people and they remain ingrained in your memory forever? Well, I was so blessed to have had a few of those conversations with classmates from countries like India, Indonesia, France, Lesotho and more. One that I recall so vividly occurred on an afternoon where I visited a friend of mine who lived on campus. She had a map in her room which gave us the opportunity to discuss our home countries and point out where we lived, where we had been, and recognise the similarities and differences in our cultural backgrounds. She has become one of the people I am most grateful I met during this experience as that conversation warms my heart seeing how lovely it is to meet so many people from all over the globe (quite literally). The WMG experience is unique in the fact that there is indeed a cultural blend like none other, one of the many things I loved!


  1. Study Skills and Research Methodology

Now without this I would have been so incredibly lost when it came to the process of completing PMAs and my dissertation as well as just general tips on excelling within the year. There were so many opportunities to ensure you were right on track and understood exactly what was being asked of you. I would give the entire team multiple standing ovations because the level of detail in the information offered via events, resources and regular emails was next level. Kudos to the ReMe team!

  1. Late Productive Nights

This was actually for the first module I completed as part of the course, Sales and Sales Marketing. I felt so grown-up - being on campus so late strategising on a business plan. It felt good to work alongside a team that was so dedicated to producing nothing short of excellence. This experience showed me that it's truly all about the process rather than the outcome and what a tiring yet fulfilling process it was - each of us playing to our strengths; developing and pitching an idea that I still think was amazing - what a time!

  1. Group Potluck


There was no way I could be an event planner and not organise something especially once I realised there was such a special synergy with my module group. After completing 3 modules together, we had developed a true sense of camaraderie and I thought it would be great to invite everyone over to City Point (which was convenient as the majority of the group lived there already) for a potluck. We voted on a day and everyone brought something to eat or drink. Though I was most definitely the designated mummy of the group - spending time cleaning and tidying as I didn’t want us to get in trouble with the City Point authorities; I had fun nonetheless. And this was also because I could see everyone else was having fun and I could also enjoy a more intimate, deep conversation with my friend whom I spoke about in my third memory. I had so many other ideas for group hangouts that the pandemic obviously didn’t allow but I am grateful to be able to hold on to this particular memory!


  1. Best Business Award


Now this is something I still cannot believe myself and my teammates actually won. I vividly remember forgetting our final pitch during Business Model Generation was in actual fact a competition. And this was because we had been through such a challenging time trying to put together a coherent pitch that all I was focused on was being able to deliver it. This makes this memory even more special because it shows that sometimes simply trying to work well as a team, and bring your strengths to fore is actually more important than focusing on winning. This is what myself and my teammates did and I was so proud of us at the end because not only did we gain such positive and encouraging feedback in relation to our idea that had undergone serious surgery the night before but we won this award which was a tangible representation of the efforts made to work as a team and deliver something solid. I will never forget that module week, that team and most importantly the lessons learnt from that experience.

  1. Cinema Trip

Now I know this might sound mundane but I love going to the cinema and having one so close to where I lived at the time was such a blessing. However, you know when you live so close to something sometimes you take it for granted? That’s precisely what happened and is why this memory is cherished because it represents the only time I can recall going to the cinema during my time spent at WMG. It was such a great way to relax and spend time with friends. We saw ‘Joker’ and that ended up being the best film I had seen in 2019. I just remember feeling so safe and happy that I had the privilege of being at a cinema watching a good film with great people.

  1. Meeting my Supervisor

So I only met me Supervisor once in person but the love and appreciation I have for her, one would think we’d known each other for longer. I had the pleasure of meeting with her on campus for lunch at a restaurant called ‘Varsity’ - which in my opinion is one of the best ones on campus. Not only did she treat me to a lovely meal, but we had such hearty conversations about her career, my undergraduate years and of course my dissertation. It set the tone for how we would interact over FaceTime for the rest of the year. She was warm, kind and so intelligent. I couldn’t believe my luck and it confirmed to me that the time spent doing my due diligence to find a supportive supervisor was worth it! PS: If you’re currently in the process of finding a supervisor or are apprehensively thinking about how that might go, here are some specific tips I've shared in the past.

  1. CLM’s Young Adults’ Weekend Away

And last but not least, an activity that is moreso affiliated with my church, CLM than WMG. However, my advice is that if you are a person of faith or simply searching for a true sense of community, an event like this is just what the Doctor ordered. YAWA as we like to call it was a weekend sent from heaven. Apart from being in the beautiful countryside in Cefn Lea, Wales this weekend was my fuel during a time where I was struggling emotionally. Despite feeling apprehensive about attending and not necessarily going with friends, I met some incredible people and made some amazing connections. I also got the time to really disconnect as wifi was pretty much non-existent. I went on a lovely walk with a friend and got to see some idyllic views of the area, I got to immerse myself in worship and really gain some guidance from studying my bible more, I ‘got down with the kids’ as I shared a cabin with some lovely girls who were all my younger sisters’ age, I got competitive and played some really fun games with all the other attendees. All in all, I had such an amazing weekend and highly recommend you look for opportunities such as this during your year to really disconnect and unplug; to develop deeper connections, and find a true sense of peace that will spur you on to produce amazing work as part of your course!

Overall, I cannot complain I had a wonderful year and feel so incredibly blessed to have finished it off strong. My hope is that you create even more memorable experiences, expand your network and be immersed in the beautiful learning experience you are guaranteed to have.


Till next time,

Tolu Karunwi

MSc Innovation & Entrepreneurship

Sun 06 Dec 2020, 17:29 | Tags: Tolu Karunwi - IAE

A Peak Inside MSc. Cyber Security Engineering Pt. 6

It can be difficult to get an understanding of the course content just by looking at the snippet of information on the University’s website. When you can, I’d encourage you to get in touch with a member of staff and seek answers to the questions that are important to you. Luckily for you, however, I’ll be highlighting my experiences on various modules undertaken during my degree!

I’ll take you through the order of modules that I undertook and discuss the content presented in these modules. Please note, this order may vary for you, and the course content may be updated.

Module 6: Industrial Espionage and Counterfeiting

This was the first module I did during Lockdown 1. So, I didn’t know what to expect. But the lecturer did an admirable job of being engaging and delivering the content in a way that was suitable for the online platform. 

The content of this module is especially relevant in these COVID-19 times. Everyone has been racing to find a vaccine for the disease and there have been reports of nation-states attacking medical facilities’ information systems to try to steal intellectual property relating to a COVID-19 vaccine.

Some Topics Covered

- Threat Actor Motivation

- Industrial Risk Management

- Information, Intelligence and Analysis

- Physical Security

- Drivers of Corporate Behaviour change

- Historical vs Present-day Espionage

- Categories of Cybercrime

Interesting stuff, isn't it?

Some class Activities

- Group discussions and presentations

- Guest lectures


We were tasked with:

- Reviewing the use of blockchain technology as a way of preventing counterfeiting in a particular industrial setting.

- Creating an operational report detailing cyber threats and mitigations in a particular industry.


It was a pleasure sharing my WMG experiences with you. I trust the information I’ve given was helpful and encouraging!  

I hope you find a programme and a department that makes you feel like you belong while providing rigorous academic tutelage. 

In other words, I hope you choose WMG! ;)

Kind Regards


MSc. Cyber Security Engineering

Wed 02 Dec 2020, 18:38 | Tags: Carlyle Collins - CSE

A Peak Inside MSc. Cyber Security Engineering Pt. 5

It can be difficult to get an understanding of the course content just by looking at the snippet of information on the University’s website. When you can, I’d encourage you to get in touch with a member of staff and seek answers to the questions that are important to you. Luckily for you, however, I’ll be highlighting my experiences on various modules undertaken during my degree!

I’ll take you through the order of modules that I undertook and discuss the content presented in these modules. Please note, this order may vary for you, and the course content may be updated.

Module 5: Security Architectures and Network Defense

Finally, we get to hacking! Most people are mainly interested in methods to break into systems when they get into Cyber Security. This is the module where we do some actual hacking exercises! This module was a very practical one.

Some Topics Covered

- Network Basics and Filesystems

- Security Principles

- Network and System Security

- Access Control Lists and VLANs

- Email Security

- Intrusion Detection Systems and Intrusion Prevention Systems

- Incident Response

- Firewalls

Some class Activities

- Utilising various exploits to hack into vulnerable systems e.g. EternalBlue

- Gamified incident response scenario

- Configuring intrusion detection system rules

- Graded multiple choice quiz (10% of final grade)


We were tasked with:

- Troubleshooting a network simulation to identify and fix issues.

- Designing a secure, scalable network in Packet Tracer to suit the budget of a client.

- Configure Firewall rules for each device in the client’s network.

I was doing this assignment when the pandemic first started. Here I am trying to work from home!

How to Prepare

Acquire a basic understanding of networks and networking devices.


MSc. Cyber Security Engineering

Wed 02 Dec 2020, 18:20 | Tags: Carlyle Collins - CSE

A Peak Inside MSc. Cyber Security Engineering Pt. 4

It can be difficult to get an understanding of the course content just by looking at the snippet of information on the University’s website. When you can, I’d encourage you to get in touch with a member of staff and seek answers to the questions that are important to you. Luckily for you, however, I’ll be highlighting my experiences on various modules undertaken during my degree!

I’ll take you through the order of modules that I undertook and discuss the content presented in these modules. Please note, this order may vary for you, and the course content may be updated.

Module 4: Digital Forensics

I came from a background of traditional Forensic Science and I chose to enter the field of Cyber Security because I was interested in transitioning into Digital Forensics (DF). So I was particularly excited about this module! I must say, I was not disappointed! It was taught by someone who was passionate about the subject and is doing ground-breaking research in the area of Dashcam Forensics.

This was another one of my favourite modules.

Customary end of module photo with course tutor!

Some Topics Covered

- Principles of DF

- Case Management, Triage and Forensic Acquisition

- Examining Evidence and Reporting Findings

- Metadata

- Filesystems

- Evidence Preservation

- Understanding the value of the Registry to Forensic investigations

- Role of the expert witness

Some class Activities

- A wiki with a group of tasks was created. Each day students were given time to do practical Forensic exercises using the open-source software Autopsy.

- Graded group assessment (10% of final grade).

- Guest lecture from West Midlands Police


We were tasked with:

- Adapting NIST’s guideline for Mobile Forensics for Dashcam devices.

- Extracting GPS data from a series of digital videos to support an investigation.

- Visualising the data in a way that is easy to understand and answers relevant questions.

- Presenting an expert witness report.

How to Prepare

Try to get a basic understanding of filesystems and how to report information in a manner that is fact-based and unbiased.


MSc Cyber Security Engineering

Wed 02 Dec 2020, 18:02 | Tags: Carlyle Collins - CSE

A Peak Inside MSc. Cyber Security Engineering Pt. 3

It can be difficult to get an understanding of the course content just by looking at the snippet of information on the University’s website. When you can, I’d encourage you to get in touch with a member of staff and seek answers to the questions that are important to you. Luckily for you, however, I’ll be highlighting my experiences on various modules undertaken during my degree! 

I’ll take you through the order of modules that I undertook and discuss the content presented in these modules. Please note, this order may vary for you, and the course content may be updated.

Module 3: Cyber Intelligence and Operations

No. No. No. We’re not taught how to become super spies in this module! The name sounds like something out of a Bond film, doesn’t it? Although it isn’t as glamorous as a blockbuster film, as with Information Risk Management and Governance, the understanding of the concepts of this module is a requirement for many of the jobs being advertised. 

Some Topics Covered

- Cyber Attack profiling

- Phases of compromise

- Tools used in information gathering

- Human Intelligence and Context

- Technical Intelligence and Analysis

- Evaluating Intelligence

Some class Activities

- Use of some information-gathering tools e.g., WHOIS, nslookup, dig

- Self-directed study exercises based on prompts given by the course leader

- Group discussions and presentations

- An evolving scenario where various teams had to make decisions based on intelligence received


We were tasked with:

- Evaluating the quality of information available for a recent high profile data breach.

- Presenting an intelligence assessment of the facts using a generic assessment template.

- Evaluating an open-source tool that could have been used by perpetrators

- Recommending measures the company could have used to prevent the breach.


MSc. Cyber Security Engineering

Deserted WMG Hallways at 2 am!

Wed 02 Dec 2020, 17:45 | Tags: Carlyle Collins - CSE

A Peak Inside MSc. Cyber Security Engineering Pt. 2

It can be difficult to get an understanding of the course content just by looking at the snippet of information on the University’s website. When you can, I’d encourage you to get in touch with a member of staff and seek answers to the questions that are important to you. Luckily for you, however, I’ll be highlighting my experiences on various modules undertaken during my degree! 

I’ll take you through the order of modules that I undertook and discuss the content presented in these modules. Please note, this order may vary for you, and the course content may be updated.

Module 2: Crypto-systems and Data Protection

This was an exciting module! We were finally going to get hands-on with tech. Furthermore, this module was 100% taught in the labs. 

Even if you are like me and did not have a background in a technology-related field, this module was designed in such a way to give you the relevant practical skills and the foundational knowledge required to allow you to engage meaningfully in the course content. Some of the content was really technical and challenging but I enjoyed this module! It was one of my favourites!

Some Topics Covered

- Practical Uses of Cryptography

- Public Key Infrastructure

- Symmetric Encryption

- Asymmetric Encryption

- Key Management

- Hashing Algorithms

- Rainbow Tables

- IPSec

Some Class Activities

- Walkthrough of symmetric encryption with GPG

- Step by step walkthrough of various processes e.g., hashing

- Graded practical quiz (10% of final grade)

- Guest lecture


We were tasked with:

- Developing an x509 Certificate authority for a case study

- Instantiating a working VPN solution using a specific open source technology

- Signing the assignment with our private GPG key

- undertaking a viva to demonstrate and explain how what we produced answered the assignment requirements.

How to Prepare

Familiarise yourself with the basics of using the command line and Linux OS. You will be taught it in the course, but a foundation will make the learning curve less steep!


MSc. Cyber Security Engineering

Wed 02 Dec 2020, 17:27 | Tags: Carlyle Collins - CSE

A Peak Inside MSc. Cyber Security Engineering Pt. 1

It can be difficult to get an understanding of the course content just by looking at the snippet of information on the University’s website. When you can, I’d encourage you to get in touch with a member of staff and seek answers to the questions that are important to you. Luckily for you, however, I’ll be highlighting my experiences on various modules undertaken during my degree! 

I’ll take you through the order of modules that I undertook and discuss the content presented in these modules. Please note, this order may vary for you, and the course content may be updated.

Module 1: Information Risk Management & Governance (IRMG)

At the time of this module, I did not appreciate it. Now, that I’m in the job-hunting process I 

realise how important the concepts of this module are in the job market. I would say understanding the concepts of IRMG is foundational to a career in Cybersecurity. As one of my lecturers pointed out, ‘Cybersecurity is a risk management process’. I’ve always thought of Cyber as a technological issue. But throughout my degree I’ve realised this is not primarily the case. Also, starting a degree in ‘Cybersecurity Engineering’ you’d want to focus all of your attention on technical exercises and courses and may be a little unenthusiastic about a ‘management-type’ module such as IRMG, but I must say this module is extremely important!

Some Topics Covered

- Principles of Data Protection

- Information Risk Management

- Risk Governance Models

- Importance of Standards and Regulations in Risk Management

- General Data Protection Regulation 

- Threat Modelling Tools & Techniques

- Risk Assessment Techniques

- Security Policy Design

Class Activities

Class activities involved ungraded group work and group presentations around a variety of case studies.


We were tasked with:

- Critically analysing risk management standards, controls and policies applicable to a case study.

- Presenting a detailed threat model.

- Creating a comprehensive mitigation and response plan to address uncovered threats.

How to Prepare

To prepare for this module, I’d suggest having a basic understanding of what risk assessment is.


MSc Cyber Security Engineering

Wed 02 Dec 2020, 17:04 | Tags: Carlyle Collins - CSE

Homesick This Time of Year?

Hey everyone!

Have you been feeling homesick (maybe) more than usual this time of year? It’s much harder now if you don’t know whether you will be going home this holiday or if you know for sure that you won’t. If you have been worrying, don’t worry, you’re not alone. I’m there with you.

When I first moved to Warwick, I was incredibly homesick. And, now it’s been almost a year since I’ve seen my family, and I miss them more now than ever. However, just because things are difficult, it doesn’t mean we have to keep it that way. There are things we can do to alleviate our worries.

For example, I try to talk to my family every week. Even if it’s for a short conversation, I can’t tell you how much it helps. It almost makes my whole week. During the week, we message each other too which eases my mind. Christmas in our home is a huge thing and now that it will be the first time we won’t be together for the holidays, each of us are doing the best we can to make it a great time still.

One way you could do that is to hold on to your traditions. Have similar food here that you would have if you were home. Put up some decorations if you would like to celebrate Christmas and join in the Christmas spirit. Keep in touch with loved ones and remember that you are not alone. Most of all, do things that make you truly happy. Listen to yourself because that is the best thing you could do. Trust me, I have done and am doing all of these things and it is helping me so so much.

Stay safe, everyone x



MSc International Trade, Strategy and Operations

Mon 30 Nov 2020, 21:22 | Tags: Katrina Gomez - ITSO

Food Glorious Food: are Coventry-based restaurants really worth waiting for?

I love food. Visiting restaurants is a really fun activity and one that was a big stress-reliever during my time spent studying. I must admit, Coventry has gotten a lot better over the years with the various restaurants the city has on offer. Although I am saddened by the fact that Coventry has currently been labelled as a 'Tier-3 Zone' I’m hoping my reviews of these restaurants will get you excited to visit in the near future (fingers crossed)



Location: Cathedral Lanes Shopping Centre, Broadgate, Coventry CV1 1LL

Now, this is a classic. If I’m honest, I love Wagamama's for one specific meal - the firecracker, which is a rice dish that comes with a lovely spicy sauce made with either prawns or chicken. I think Wagamama's remains a good shout for those lazy days when you don’t know what you want to eat or don’t feel like cooking. You can simply go there and select something from the menu that will cost you nothing more than £15-20. It’s a lovely simple space and is easy to locate as it’s right in the middle of the City Centre, amongst an array of restaurants to choose from.


Tolz Rating: 3.5/5

You’ll always find something interesting to eat on the menu, however the menu can also be easily memorised so it becomes less and less exciting the more and more you go.

The Botanist Coventry

Location: Unit 4, Cathedral Lanes Shopping Centre, Broadgate, Coventry CV1 1LL

Okay so aesthetically, this restaurant is one of those hidden gems - you know those spaces you would never expect to exist behind closed doors? Yep, that’s The Botanist. It is absolutely stunning and forces you to whip out your phone to take pictures in order to commemorate the carefully thought out interior design. I was so in awe of the space and really appreciated the fact that despite having stairs as the primary way to enter the restaurant, there was a special lift to accommodate both older and disabled individuals. Now the menu looked interesting but if I’m honest the part of my meal I enjoyed the most was my mocktail. As always, I opted for a virgin mojito and was pleasantly refreshed by it. Overall, a good experience that could’ve been ‘great’ if the food was just as exciting as the restaurant’s layout.


Tolz Rating: 3/5

So basically, the menu is a tad underwhelming but I guess the overall experience of the restaurant can make up for it if you’re into pretty aesthetics.


Las Iguanas

Location: Cathedral Lanes Shopping Centre, Broadgate, Coventry CV1 1LL

So I love Las Iguanas. I was introduced to this chain through a close friend of mine on a spontaneous trip to Birmingham. I soon realised they had a branch in Coventry and my heart was glad. The menu is just as colourful and exciting as the restaurant design and offers a plethora of choices hailing from various countries in South America. They also are extremely affordable and offer student-friendly deals such as the ‘2-for-1 cocktail/mocktail’ that runs for 24 hours, 7 days a week! I think this is an excellent choice for an evening out with friends as apart from not breaking the bank, you are guaranteed to enjoy a good, hearty meal against the backdrop of a colourful, zestful, cultural experience.


Tolz Rating: 4.5/5

Overall, a solid choice for a dinner out with friends - one you won’t regret!


Chinese Kitchen

Location: 143-144 Far Gosford Street, Coventry, CV1 5DY

I feel as though anyone whose spent some time in Coventry will have something to say about Chinese Kitchen and as far as I know, they are only good things! Now, though they do offer seating, I have never considered Chinese Kitchen as a ‘restaurant’ per se but rather the best Chinese takeaway I’ve had! So this had to be the list as a delivery-based recommendation on those nights you are just craving something to eat alongside a solo movie night or one spent with your flatmates. I would highly recommend getting the Singaporean fried rice as that is a staple order of mine. Chinese Kitchen never disappoints, however they could be kinder on the phone and their customer service would be the only thing I’d flag up as a potential problem.


Tolz Rating: 4/5

You cannot live in Coventry and not have tasted CK, it’s impossible!


Bistrot Pierre

Location: Cathedral Lanes Shopping Centre, Broadgate, Coventry CV1 1LL

And last but not least, I present a restaurant I stumbled upon on one of those days I was seeking to ‘treat myself.’ The ambience definitely provided the scope to do so as it is perfect for a cute date night - with a friend, a significant other, someone you are getting to know or even yourself! I had such a great time and it felt like a complete dining experience. With a quintessentially French menu, you're given various options to choose from, including the chef’s ‘soup of the day’ which I thoroughly enjoyed as a soup-lover. I had such a great time, enjoying my lunch while catching up on an amazing book! Reminiscing on this restaurant makes me smile as I think about it. Though it’s on the pricey side, it offers a really lovely, warm, delicious experience.


Tolz Rating: 4/5

Oui, the French really do it better!

I leave you with one word of advice and one word of advice only - don’t let these dining experiences pass you by.

Till next time,

Tolu Karunwi

MSc Innovation & Entrepreneurship

Mon 30 Nov 2020, 19:46 | Tags: Tolu Karunwi - IAE

Time Waits for No Man: Getting used to the WMG Way

A Friendly Disclaimer: This post was written based on my experience where I never had less than a week in between my modules. I did however experience back-to-back modules due to the pandemic (ie. this wasn’t my original schedule) but luckily they were my two last modules and as such, I had a lot more time to complete the PMAs. Hence, this post is not a reflection of the various experiences one might encounter but rather these tips are based on the experience I encountered whilst completing my masters at WMG. However, I have tried to make them as general as possible to ensure transferability.


One of the first things I noticed about my course at WMG, was the amount of free time in between my modules. Now, this wasn’t necessarily a communal experience but at the time, there were several students who had a minimum of 2 weeks and a maximum of 4 weeks in between their modules. I was one of them and I must admit, as much as I embraced it with arms open it took a while to remind myself to stay focused.


As the weeks pass by, it can be very easy to remain relaxed and forget that you have a PMA waiting to be written alongside a dissertation that requires a lot of your effort! So here are a few of my top tips to ensure that you have as much of a healthy work/life balance as possible:


  • Start your PMA early: So I always gave myself the weekend after a module week off just due to the intensity faced and the fact that prioritising rest is extremely important to me. I would spend the weekend catching up on sleep, perhaps visiting one of the restaurants I enjoyed going to in Coventry and hanging out with my flatmates. However, I would do so knowing that on Monday, I would need to get to work immediately - deconstructing the question to ensure I understood it fully, asking questions if a module tutor permitted this and essentially doing the groundwork to ensure a well-written PMA was on its way. In my opinion, PMA’s take on average - 1 week and a half to complete. Therefore, if I stayed focused during this time, I would still have either a few days or even 2 more weeks off! These weeks could be filled with time spent working on my dissertation at a more relaxed pace as well as leisure-based activities. It’s the age-old advice - start things early, kill the pressure to procrastinate and trust me, you will thank yourself for it later.


  • Plan out your rewards: It always helps when you know you’re working towards something. On days when I found things difficult, I would tell myself - an episode of Grey’s Anatomy awaits, just keep going. Or I would promise myself that I could have a dance-party later on. Alongside the breaks here and there (that you really should be giving yourself), create a reward system so that you always have something to look forward to once you’ve put in your hours for the day. This system worked very well for me and I am almost certain it could work well for you too!


  • Stay Vigilant: Last but definitely not least, remain on top of things. Consistency always wins and if you keep working smart, ensuring you are eating well, staying hydrated and making the process somewhat fun (my music playlists and speakers were a lifesaver!) you will get there in the end. And what’s more, you will be able to complete and submit a PMA you are proud of whilst giving yourself some well-deserved time off to go off and visit somewhere new in the U.K. or even beyond! (Scotland? Wales? Ireland? France?...the possibilities are endless)

Overall, time truly waits for no man and so you don’t want to waste it. You want to maximise it to the best of your ability, always keeping in mind that everything you are doing is for a greater purpose - and if you’ve selected a course at WMG there’s no greater purpose than excelling within a department that trains students who become masters; true professionals in their respective fields.

Till next time,

Tolu Karunwi

MSc Innovation & Entrepreneurship

Mon 30 Nov 2020, 19:10 | Tags: Tolu Karunwi - IAE

Find Me by the Beach: My Top 3 Places to visit in the U.K.

While trying to meet those deadlines, why not expand your horizons beyond what Coventry has to offer? There are so many places you could visit but these are my top three suggestions and why:

1. Brighton

So I’m aware there are places in the U.K. you can go to for that full beach experience, however this is the closest I’ve come to a seaside escape. I love Brighton and have only created incredible memories each time I’ve had the pleasure of visiting. From the rides, the range of restaurants, the sun shining on your face (please go during the summer, please) - Brighton is nothing short of an entire vibe. It does tend to be on the pricier end of things however so make sure you go prepared so this doesn’t impinge on the incredible time you’re bound to have.

Key Highlights:

  • Brighton Pier
  • Royal Pavilion: offers ice skating in winter months
  • The Lanes

2. Bath

Bath is definitely a place for history and architecture lovers. The city is filled with incredible buildings, interesting sights and Roman history. As someone who studied about the Roman baths in the past, I was more than excited to finally see all I had learned about come to life! The city is extremely beautiful and so clean! I recommend going to visit for a day and perhaps enjoying the thermal spa as that was one activity I wish I had the time to enjoy before having to leave. All in all, Bath is a great shout.


Key Highlights:

  • The Roman Baths
  • Thermae Bath Spa

3. London

 There’s no way you can be in the U.K. and not venture off to the country’s capital. I’ve lived in London for over 7 years now and I still never run out of things to do. It has the feel of being that big vibrant city with various shops, restaurants and historical sites - it simply has too much to offer so I’ve truly saved the best for last! Visiting London as a tourist is ten times as fun because you are able to appreciate the rich mosaic of cultures which inform the range of activities on offer. In fact, new things - restaurants, unique experiences keep popping up and I’m truly struggling to catch up! I may be biased but simply put, it’s not a city you want to miss!


Key Highlights:

  • Restaurants in areas like Soho, Covent Garden, Shoreditch etc
  • Museums/Galleries e.g. British Museum, Tate Modern
  • Stunning Views from places like Parliament Hill, Emirates Cable Car, Up at the 02
  • The Classics e.g. Tower Bridge, Big Ben, The London Eye, Buckingham Palace

Overall, make the most of your time and explore far and wide. I hope these recommendations help in ensuring that’s what you’re encouraged to do!

Till next time,

Tolu Karunwi

MSc Innovation & Entrepreneurship

Mon 30 Nov 2020, 18:50 | Tags: Tolu Karunwi - IAE

Winter is Coming

Hey everyone!

Can you believe that we are almost in December already? I can’t! Despite how this year has been, time has flown by so fast for me. Faster than I could have imagined.

But I’m happy about it because that means we’re closer to celebrating the best time of year! Having lived in warm countries for most of my life, I knew I wasn’t quite ready to be living in a cold country. But I had to brace myself because it was going to happen either way.

In Coventry, the cold was bearable because the city is closer to the south of the U.K., hence it was warmer. Wrapping up in a jacket and a scarf was just about sufficient for me. I just had to make sure my coat was waterproof because the U.K. gets super wet most of the time.

But when I moved to Scotland, winter was a whole different ball game. I had to buy a much thicker jacket and even wear thermals! The wind plus the temperature and rain are a lethal combination for a tropical girl from the East. But that’s also just another excuse for me to drink hot chocolate to warm up more often, right?

If there’s any advice I can give you about embracing the winter in the U.K. it is to invest in a good jacket, umbrella and gloves. You’ll thank me later.

Have the happiest winter, everyone!!



MSc International Trade, Strategy and Operations

Thu 26 Nov 2020, 20:26 | Tags: Katrina Gomez - ITSO

Finding A Supervisor

Finding A Supervisor

Take it from me, the journey to an MSc degree is a long and arduous, but rewarding journey. I understood that there were going to be many moving parts (nine modules, a dissertation and everything else), and so it was very important to me that I minimized any unnecessary source of stress. First on the list was to find a the right supervisor early. There are two words there, right and early.

WMG has a very useful online Project Selection System, that matched MSc students at WMG with supervisors. The system lists a supervisor’s interest areas, maximum student capacity (maximum number of students that the supervisor is willing to accept) and whether or not that capacity has been reached. Students can then send a message to the prospective supervisor and even attach a proposal if they wish. In this way, supervisors can then choose to accept or reject a student.

Now for some tips!

Tip #1. Start early but take the time to make the right choice. A Supervisor-Student relationship is like a marriage. Once you commit and both parties make the decision to enter this relationship, it is very difficult to back out of it. So it is important to take some time and think about which supervisor is best for you.

Tip #2. Make sure that the supervisor you intend on approaching, is actually interested in the research area you are intent on pursuing. There is nothing but pain and frustration awaiting the student that locks in a supervisor who is disinterested in the area they are pursuing.

Tip #3. Ensure that your supervisor is interested in the geographical context (country) you’re thinking of looking into. Some supervisors will be upfront that they’re looking for students intent on pursuing dissertations with a focus in the Middle East or Africa, so make sure you are clear about this from the beginning. If you’re flexible and do not really mind the context, then great!

Tip #4. This was equally important as the others but far more of a priority. Find a supervisor you are likely to get along with. My supervisor was very open and chatty and was always keen to speak his mind. Our supervisor meetings usually began with 15 minutes of conversation about politics, business and developments in our personal lives. In this way, my supervisor felt more like a friend and a mentor, rather than simply a transaction academic partnership.

Karabelo Maloi - MSc Innovation and Entrepreneurship (IAE) 

Mon 09 Nov 2020, 18:34 | Tags: Karabelo Maloi - IAE

The Quest for Distinctions at WMG

The Quest for Distinctions at WMG

This is a blog post dedicated to those who wish to pursue a distinction in their modules and dissertations at WMG. Coming to the University of Warwick, I has a few goals that I set out to achieve. One of these goals was to push myself and challenge myself to achieve distinctions in my modules.

I had reached out to previous students in my course, at WMG to try to get insights as to the difficulties and likelihood of achieving distinctions at an MSc. All of them told me the same thing. It was virtually impossible, according to them. Masters Degrees in the UK were just too difficult and distinctions and A grades were too rare. I would like to use this blog post to say that what they told me, just was not absolute truth, it was based on their experiences. And so based on my experience, here is what I found.

A distinction grade is definitely achievable, especially if you’re willing to persevere. In the WMG context, it is important to remember that the primary mode of assessment at the department is the PMA, and not written examinations. Therefore, the process involves building arguments, substantiating claims with evidence and hopefully creating something new. This is NOT easy. Not intellectually, and certainly not emotionally.

But I can assure you one thing. If you are willing to soldier through each and every setback undeterred, then the odds will definitely be in your favor! Because in essence this is what PMAs and the Dissertation both entail, setbacks! And if you are resilient to these and ambitious then a distinction is within reach.

One best practice is to start the PMA early. What this does is that it reduces the amount of time required to arrive at a first draft. Once you have arrived at your first draft for a PMA, this gives you the opportunity to critique and scrutinize your own work. And the astute writers of the world will tell you, ‘judging the writing’ is always easier than ‘doing the writing’ .

Karabelo Maloi - MSc Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Mon 09 Nov 2020, 18:29 | Tags: Karabelo Maloi - IAE

Tips to Get a Job After Project Submission

Hi everyone!

Hope that you are keeping happy and healthy.

The purpose of this post is to give you some tips that I hope will be useful in your job search.

It is true that the job market is more difficult than ever and next year could be worse, but there are things you could start doing from now to increase your opportunities and guarantee a spot in the competitive job market after completing your master’s studies. These have worked for me and I received multiple offers in the UK and in my home country. This week I am relocating to London because I will start working at General Mills UK & Ireland.

1. Start networking. Get out of your comfort zone and start going to events (e.g. WMG Careers Fair) and joining societies (these can be virtual as well). You never know if someone attending these events could be your future employer or your main point of contact for getting your dream job. I also recommend that you make appropriate use of social media, especially LinkedIn. For instance, I started to connect with CEOs and recruiters even before completing my project, so that they could be aware of my career updates and my interests. Once I posted that I have completed my studies, most of them sent me an InMail with job opportunities in their companies. This being said, an additional tip is to keep your profile updated and to stay active on this platform (e.g. ask for references, ask for endorsements, etc).

2. Work on your skills. This does not only refer to improving your MS Excel knowledge, but also your soft skills. It is important to keep working on leadership, teamworking, communication and teamwork, since these will make you succeed even though you have less working experience than others. Moreover, most interviews will include behavioural questions where you should demonstrate the use of these.

3. Keep learning new things. Try with a new sport or a new hobby or even a new language. For example, I enjoy learning new languages, so I took courses on these and they turned out to be a plus in my CV and a differentiation factor. If you plan to work in the EU or in the UK, I highly recommend German and French.

4. Believe in you. Even if the job profile seems too much, trust me, you can do it! So, do not limit yourself to low-skilled jobs because you are scared of not being enough. Also, there is always a learning curve, which can be very steep, but it is worth the try.

5. Stay positive. This one is the most important. It is ok to receive the “I regret to inform you that …”, because there is always something better waiting for you at the end of the road.

Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn and to ask for anything else with regards to these matters!

Good luck!



Sat 07 Nov 2020, 10:37 | Tags: Cecibel Suarez Acosta - ITSO

How to get a distinction on your PMAs

Hi everyone!

I’m almost sure that you are already working on your first PMA or you will start with it sooner than later, so this post might be worth the read!

First of all, I hope that you have been able to enjoy the beautiful campus before the new lockdown. Secondly, let’s see the bright side of the situation, you’ve got less time to go outside, but more time to work on your PMA, so take advantage of this and go get that distinction!

My number one recommendation is to get to it as soon as possible. It might be tempting to leave it until last minute because you might think you’ve got plenty of time, but trust me, you don’t. PMAs are supposed to take 60 hours of work, and the only way to get a distinction is by investing those 60 hours on it. What I used to do was to read the question(s) and start looking for different sources in the Warwick Library, from articles to books to web pages. The diversity in terms of sources will allow you to get different point of views on the topic(s), which will then enhance your critical thinking.

Speaking about critical thinking … this is the key to get high marks on your work. Focus on criticising the sources and getting to a deeper level of analysis. This will then allow you to provide recommendations or to develop new theories, and to get the distinction.

Besides the content, presentation always matters. For some tutors, the marks for this criteria might be lower than for others, but try to keep it nice and consistent. For example, use the same font for title, subtitles and body. Also, look at the references format, you might want to print the Harvard Referencing Guide, which you can find on the uni webpage. Also, USE TABLES! Tables are an excellent tool to summarise information, but remember to add a column presenting your critical analysis. This is a pro tip, WMG loves tables.

Finally, ask your tutor if you have any doubt on the assignment and ask the library team if you are having trouble finding sources. They are always there to help.

Good luck!



Sat 07 Nov 2020, 10:34 | Tags: Cecibel Suarez Acosta - ITSO

My Favourite Things to do on Campus

Hey everyone!

I hope that you are all settled now and enjoying this once in a lifetime experience.

I would like to share with you my favourite things to do on campus, so that you can also enjoy these when things get better.

  1. Going for a walk at Tocil Nature Reserve.
  2. Karaoke nights at The Dirty Duck.
  3. Going with a friend to the Sports Centre and trying a new sport.
  4. Going to a concert at the Arts Centre.
  5. Eating burgers at Bar Fusion.
  6. Trying international foods at the piazza market.
  7. Relaxing near the lake.
  8. Drinking coffee at Pret a Manger.
  9. Hanging out with friends at Varsity after a week of lectures.
  10. Studying at the PG hub.

Keep this post as your new bucket list! These will turn into memories that you will never forget.

Stay safe!



Sat 07 Nov 2020, 10:32 | Tags: Cecibel Suarez Acosta - ITSO

Shine bright like a diamond

You can not miss the new attraction for you to safely meet and greet new people on campus. You may know of what I am speaking of, yes Welcome to Basecamp. The new restrictions are probably hard to swallow as a lockdown will probably be announced soon. Don't worry Warwick University got your back and is doing everything they can to accommodate your time in the best of their abilities. You will probably be asking yourself what your option are these days, well I recommend to check out the new place. Obviously, Warwick University is making everything they can for you to be able to meet people although addressing the social distancing measures.

Halloween now over, thanksgiving and Christmas are upon us, so be prepared to see the city lights and Warwick University getting prepared for some attractions according to the measures. Christmas is personally my favourite time of the year. A tradition in the UK is to eat a Christmas pudding which you will be able to find in shops before the end of November beginning of December. Many shops already sell Christmas items so get yourself ready with chocolate and candies.

No one really knows how long these measures are going to last but one thing I would have done differently if I could start all over again is to trust myself and not to hesitate to reach out to people. I thought I would disturb people so I mostly stayed on my own but that was definitely the wrong approach. A recommendation would be to regularly set up a zoom meeting with some friends and have some fun while doing so.

It may seem as if you have to face those difficult measures on your own but there are more people around you willing to help than you may know. Keep the faith, believe in yourself and take some good time on your own, resting and finding yourself a passion for writing, journaling or writing, discovering new disciplines or learning new skills. Use your time to socialise although measures are in place some cafe might still be open on campus or you could have a walk around the campus or in parks. Don't take the measures to seriously to the point of locking yourself up, go outside and breathe, visiting new cities on your own or with another person, measures may be upon us to wear a mask but you should not spend all of your time locked in your room.

Everything which is meant for you will find you, keep shining bright, even when you are joining in for a second will allow you to get it off your chest, to prove a point. Just keep shining your light, we need more people like you.

Trust and believe in yourself, you are doing great despite the difficult circumstances!

Xavier de Wasseige

MSc e-Business Management

WMG Campus

Fri 06 Nov 2020, 10:00 | Tags: Xavier de Wasseige - e-BM

Working for "Advent of Change"... A WMG Story

Wondering if you should study at WMG?

Studying a masters programme at Warwick University, one of the world-class universities in the UK and you will get hands-on experience, with opportunities to learn new skills and eventually offering you a change of orientation in your career development.

For the Digital Consultancy module (probably named Digital and Data Science Consultancy in 2021), we were offered the possibility to work with a real client. Advent of Change is a charity based in London. Advent of Change was looking at new technologies and software to use to simplify their day-to-day operations. As they were only two, best was to not recommend revolution but small changes to simplify there work. Gathering key business requirements, elicitation and negotiation to recommend Advent of Change with the best solutions, was a way to learn the job of a Business Analyst which is one of the career options after graduation.

Choosing an MSc e-Business Management programme with Digital and Data Science as major will also give you access to a python course split on to two different modules. Taking the Digital and Data Science route is learning to code and use Python, which is one of the most in-demand skill-set in the IT sector at the moment. One of the modules called Cloud Native Computing will enable you to access AWS (if it is still to be used in the future). In AWS you will be able to apply the Python course you have learned but adapt yourself to EC2 which is slightly different from Anaconda. Adapting your language skills using Python, will require another type of structure. Flexibility and adaptability are key and will offer you the opportunity to learn a new range of skillset along the way as well.

The MSc e-Business Management programme is a perfect blend of theory and hands-on experience in an environment where you will be able to challenge yourself. A few tips on skills you could be brushing up before joining are Agile and Kanban practises (The Phoenix Project is a good book to start with). Brushing up on statistics is also recommended, as it will enable you to better understand the structure of the code.

Remember that your soul is in your keeping alone, so please do not let yourself influenced by outside forces telling you what you should do. You know what's best for yourself...

Xavier de Wasseige

MSc e-Business Management

WMG Story

Thu 05 Nov 2020, 14:00 | Tags: Xavier de Wasseige - e-BM

It's Cold Again!

It’s cold again! 

However, it is possible to cope with the weather in the UK. Take it from someone coming from the tropics where the temperature rarely drops below 25 degrees Celsius.

When I initially arrived in the UK, I had no concept of temperature. But I was freezing. I had on about three layers and a beanie hat and was miserable. Then I looked at the temperature for the first time and compared it to home. Here it was 18 degrees ad back home it was about 28 degrees Celsius. My British friends were saying to me that 18 was quite a decent day. And a few months later I realised what they meant when I realised temperatures hit zero! But I’ve learned to cope. Here are some coping tips.

Download a Weather App

While these apps are never 100% accurate, they are much better than having no idea what your day may be like. Or if you prefer, maybe you can expect the worst weather every day. But surely, that is not a great way to approach life!


Learn the art of layering. Believe me, there is a way people layer and types of clothing that they wear which makes being outdoors more pleasant. Observe people and ask questions. Especially if you have never had any cold-weather experiences. 

Warm Clothing

Before I arrived, I googled, and it said to ‘layer up’ when I get to the UK. So, I bought some clothing back home. This was a mistake. In a country where it is hot all of the time, you would struggle to find clothing that would suitably insulate you in the cold. I’d advise you to do your shopping for warm clothing when you get here.

Even though I’m not an expert there are some pieces of clothing that I think are essential. You need a waterproof jacket and waterproof shoes. Although I hardly wear scarves, I recognise their value. Whenever I put one on, I always say to myself, ‘Why don’t I wear these more?!’ 

Also, get a warm hat!


This was among one of the first items I bought when I got on campus. An umbrella along with your weather app will save you a lot of grief.

Positive Attitude

Just make the best of it. Enjoy the long days and enjoy the short days. Enjoy the lovely coloured leaves and the bare trees. Each season brings new challenges and new joys.

I recently heard a great quote about the weather in the UK: “The weather in the UK is unpredictable it’s not bad!” Just keep this in mind and it will keep you on your guard and your spirits up!


MSc Cyber Security Engineering

Thu 05 Nov 2020, 12:45 | Tags: Carlyle Collins - CSE

Memory Lane

I had the opportunity yesterday to visit the campus after nearly three months! The memories came rushing back like a tsunami. I even managed to unlock a hidden gem. Well, it’s not hidden. I just hadn’t managed to visit there during my time on campus even though I wanted to. Read to the end to find out what it is! No skipping ahead....

WMG Trees

The campus is so beautiful at this point of the year. I’m a little biased here. But the trees surrounding the lake outside WMG are the focal point of this beauty. I had to stop for a moment and enjoy it. The trees were red; the ducks were playing and the water was calm. Just wonderful.

Food Market

It was Wednesday, so the food market was on. I wandered around there remembering the long lines the students formed in order to try some new cuisine. Thai and Indian food were my favourites!

Unfulfilled Goal

So near the start of my academic year, I said I wanted to eat at every eating establishment on campus. When I was there yesterday I realised, I didn’t fulfil this goal! Sad times! I ate at Library Café, the Dirty Duck, NAIC, Rootes (doesn’t really count), Pret A Manger and Bread Oven. So I’m asking you to please fulfil this mission that I’ve started. Eat everywhere!

A Challenge

Another worthwhile task is to visit all of the learning grids on campus at least once! Maybe you can try to accomplish this as well.

Hidden Gem

There is a Café here and a learning grid. But I never visited it. It’s University House! I entered there yesterday and was blown away by it. It is lovely!

University House is lovely, isn't it?

Gorgeous WMG!

Ensure you enjoy all of campus! Explore it all!


MSc Cyber Security Engineering

Thu 05 Nov 2020, 12:37 | Tags: Carlyle Collins - CSE

Lockdown 2.0

Today is the start of another UK lockdown! Are you worried? Are you tense? Don’t be. Luckily for you, I experienced lockdown as a student. I’ll give you some pointers for navigating this situation.

University Communications

Read the updates from the university. They will give you the information that is specific to your situation as a student. Don’t ignore these emails. Ensure you comply with these guides in order to keep yourself and others safe so we can get out of this situation as quickly as possible!

Stay Connected

It is very easy to lose contact with friends. It is very easy to scroll mindlessly on social media. It is very easy to get lost in your work. But take breaks from these activities and check-in with a friend. Give them a call. Send a text. Have a meaningful conversation. These conversations can lift our spirits.


During the first few weeks of Lockdown 1, I really struggled. I moved from being super active to being stuck in my house. Do you know what got me out of this dark place? A schedule. I made one and stuck to it as much as I could. I varied activities as much as I could at home, and this helped.

Online Classes

Engage in them! Don’t sleep. Don’t ‘go through the motion’. Really put the effort into it and you will be surprised how effective these methods can be as a tool of learning. Remember, many jobs are moving to remote methods, so you being able to fully engage with this method of study will put you in a good place for the future workplace!

Take heart! The university has been through a lockdown before and they collected feedback from us about our experiences during the lockdown. So, this time around they'll be better prepared to support you during this time.

Took this during a walk during lockdown (Don't worry I wasn't breaking any rules).


MSc. Cyber Security Engineering

Thu 05 Nov 2020, 12:23 | Tags: Carlyle Collins - CSE

Culture Shock?

Tower Bridge, London (2014)

One of the most beautiful aspects of taking a course at WMG is the interaction with students from a melting pot of cultural backgrounds. I spent an afternoon learning so much about where an Indian friend of mine grew up and understanding how culture plays a big part in one’s perspective. We found similarities as well as differences while sharing our personal experiences and it grew us closer together as friends.

However, one cannot deny the impact studying in the United Kingdom has as this in itself is an entirely new culture that might feel unfamiliar in the early days. I moved to the U.K. when I was 14 years old and I remember it being a huge culture shock. So I draw upon these experiences and marry them with my experience at WMG to offer a snapshot into what one might expect.


'Queues, thank yous and all the polite gestures in-between'

The first thing I noticed upon my arrival was how polite English people are. I had come from living in a city where people are very unfiltered in the way they speak. However, upon moving I recognised early on that placing a filter is extremely necessary in order to speak in a way that doesn’t slightly offend someone. This is something you do come to appreciate because it enables you to be more mindful with the words you use and the audience that would be listening at any given moment. At WMG, I found that the various department professors and tutors had a unique way of being honest yet not being offensive. For me, it felt like a combination of home (Nigeria) with what has become a home away from home (United Kingdom).

 'Unpredictability at its finest'

The British weather was also a huge shock to me, coming from a tropical country. It took a while to get used to it and if I’m honest - I’m still getting used to it! However, after moving to the U.K. I began to appreciate being able to style myself according to the various seasons and appreciated expanding my closet to incorporate pieces that would have never been there had I not moved. At WMG, the rooms were always well heated, there was free coffee available (through machines) as well as hot water so though the weather has always been a shock to my system, it was of little to no concern when focusing on a specific module.

'Don't be late'

Lastly, I also noticed the priority placed upon punctuality. Arriving late anywhere was a taboo. Apart from the fact that I truly hated learning about time as a topic at school, I had come from a culture where we joked about abiding my ‘Nigerian’ or ‘African’ timing. Essentially, if an event or function was to start at 12pm, what the hosts really meant was 2pm. Now this has been generalised and is not something I am proud to promote and label as a Nigerian or African thing as I do believe we are making a lot of progress in that regard. Defenses aside (haha), I was also blessed to come from a family where both my parents would rather arrive at the airport ultra (like ULTRA) early than be late. It wasn't too much of a shock but it was definitely something I had to be conscious of. At WMG, punctuality was indeed prioritised. I remember a few modules where tutors would penalise latecomers, a popular punishment being that they had to dance in front of the class. Though lighthearted, it did send the message that coming late to class is not condoned so keep that in mind and ensure you keep your tutors aware of any problems you might encounter on your way to lessons (post-pandemic, of course🤞🏾)

Overall, I encourage you to embrace this new culture; immerse yourself in learning about it as much as possible! It honestly helps to get as acquainted as possible with your new environment while embarking on the special journey that is undertaking a course at WMG.

PS: This website is very useful in offering further insight on the British culture 🇬🇧

Till next time,

Tolu Karunwi

MSc Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Tue 27 Oct 2020, 18:16 | Tags: Tolu Karunwi - IAE

The Module Review: Part Two

Welcome to part two of this mini-series! During my time studying Innovation and Entrepreneurship (IAE) at WMG, I was blessed to take 9 incredible modules that have challenged and stretched me in different ways. I would love to offer my honest take and thoughts on each module, highlighting the aspects I enjoyed the most alongside aspects I feel could have been improved. I’m hoping this helps to offer some insight into the crazy ride that is an MSc at WMG!

Likes: There were two activities I really enjoyed! One of them forced me to dust off my secondary school theatre skills as a teammate (& friend of mine!) performed a skit to elaborate upon a specific concept. I also enjoyed playing a game where we had to discover what company was being described based on some key features.

Dislikes: It was too theory-heavy and as I had embraced the practical nature of IAE modules, it felt uncommon to go back to a place of sitting down writing notes as a lecturer spoke.

Likes: The daily tasks as they gave a sense of clarity and structure, enabling us to always be aware of what needed to be achieved by the end of the day. I also appreciated the fact that the module tutors could float in between the various rooms on Microsoft Teams to check on our progress and offer guidance where necessary.

Dislikes: I guess having it being taught in person would have been ideal but alas, 2020 has presented several challenges that we lack full control of and there was nothing better to be learning than change management in a year like 2020.

Likes: This module incorporated an online test and I liked this because it gave me the opportunity to get familiar with the financial lingo while studying. I also liked the fact that we gained a lot of help and support especially during moments where we were quite lost.

Dislikes: I am happy this was a core module because it forced me out of my comfort zone but it’s still not something I am hot on. I also didn’t like that as part of our final grade, we had to work on a group essay. I always find group essays tricky due to differing styles in communication and presentation. Although I feel our team worked well together, I think I could’ve done without the pressure of a group essay contributing to my final grade.

Likes: This module felt like more than a course module due to how relevant the material was to me. I also liked working on our final presentation as we gained a lot of guidance through the task sheet that was distributed between teams.

Dislikes: I could tell that the course would have been ten times more enjoyable if it was experienced in person so this is probably the only shortcoming that was entirely out of their control.

Overall, through each module, I developed a range of invaluable skills. I recognised why this course was so perfect for me. It is the perfect blend of theory and practise and encourages you to stay mentally stimulated. Each module was fast-paced but served as a perfect foundation to build upon when embarking on future entrepreneurial endeavours.

I hope this has helped to bring a greater understanding as to what you might expect when undertaking any of these modules. Wishing you the best!

Till next time,

Tolu Karunwi

MSc Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Tue 27 Oct 2020, 18:03 | Tags: Tolu Karunwi - IAE

The Module Review: Part One

During my time studying Innovation and Entrepreneurship (IAE) at WMG, I was blessed to take 9 incredible modules which have challenged and stretched me in different ways. I would love to offer my honest take and thoughts on each module, highlighting the aspects I enjoyed the most alongside aspects I feel could have been improved. I’m hoping this helps to offer some insight into the crazy ride that is an MSc at WMG!

Likes: The entire experience! This module was an incredible start to my WMG experience. I was grateful for the team I worked with, the group I was in and the fact that I had chosen this course. I really appreciated our module tutor’s teaching style as it was the furthest thing from rigid and really engaged all of us within the room.

Dislikes: I would have also appreciated a bit more structure in terms of it being very clear the topics we were covering at any given moment.

Likes: I don’t want to be cliche and say everything again but honestly it was one of my favourite modules. I think my key highlights however would be the use of film clips to convey specific messages especially when discussing racial discrimination and understanding the impact that has had on how people view themselves. I also really loved the fact that part of our overall module grade was based on the creation of some form of art that would effectively convey our leadership style. I smiled the whole time it was being discussed in detail and couldn’t wait to have the opportunity to get creative.

Dislikes: Nothing really comes to mind in terms as I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of this module and hope you do too!

 Likes: Working within a team of opinionated individuals presented its challenges but also became our strength! I also really liked the idea of working towards one final presentation as it gave enough room for an idea breathe and exist as opposed to jumping from one presentation to the next,

Dislikes: At times, it felt very theory-heavy and so I would have preferred a few more activities inserted throughout the week.

Likes: Presenting. I had developed a love for being able to articulate an idea and it no longer was something that made me as nervous as it had done in the past. I enjoyed presenting in this particular module because I could lend my creative talent for doodling (yes, I believe that is a talent!) to assist my team in communicating our business story effectively.

Dislikes: This might come as a shock to some of the students in my cohort, but I did not enjoy the LEGO innovation challenge on the final day. I didn’t really understand how it tied in with the rest of what we had been taught. Additionally, by the end of the week, I had developed a cold and was struggling both mentally and emotionally so being the team leader of an activity that I wasn’t passionate about was too much of a responsibility.

Likes: The various activities we were asked to complete, it kept us busy and our minds fully alert. My favourite activity would have to be where we simulated the operational processes of a fast-food restaurant and were encouraged to recognise the various ways we could make that process smoother. It was highly interactive and involved my entire class.

Dislikes: Only because I struggled so much to understand it properly (perhaps due to a lack of studying it effectively), but the SimVenture activity for me was just extremely challenging and wasn’t enjoyable in the slightest. It’s still an effective teaching tool regardless so this is highly subjective!

Interested to continue this series? Check out part two here.

Till next time,

Tolu Karunwi

MSc Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Tue 27 Oct 2020, 17:38 | Tags: Tolu Karunwi - IAE

How to Make the Most of Your Time at Warwick

Hey everyone!

As many of you have just started your journey at WMG, I figured this would be the best time to give you some advice on how you can make the most of your time at the university.

1. Embrace the thrill. Starting a new course can be scary but it can also be equally as exciting. Embrace the fear to challenge yourself so that you grow so much this upcoming year. Also, make the most of the excitement because who knows when you’ll be starting a degree at university for the first time again?

2. Be courageous. This does not mean that you always need to do big things. It can be as simple as being the first person to say “hi” to a fellow course mate or WMG student. They may end up being a great friend of yours. In my experience, I met some of the best people at Warwick. So, I would highly recommend this.

3. Make the most of the abundant resources. From the library, support staff and lecturers all the way to the gym and sports facilities. Warwick has some amazing resources so, please, make use of them as much as you can whilst you still have access to them. I just graduated and I already miss the library!

4. Take care of yourself. For most students, attending university means living independently. Use this time to build your self-care routine. It can do wonders for you especially during a busy year. Dedicate time towards your coursework so you can ace it often. But, also, make sure you create some down time for yourself by doing whatever it is that makes you feel good; like maybe watching a movie, going to the gym or hanging out with friends. I made sure to do this throughout the year and it has become such an important proponent of my daily life now.

Make the most of your time at Warwick because time flies by faster than we know and you do not want to regret anything.

I’m rooting for you to have one of the best years ahead!! Best of luck everyone.



MSc International Trade, Strategy and Operations


Thu 15 Oct 2020, 14:30 | Tags: Katrina Gomez - ITSO

Dissertation Lessons Learnt: Start Early and Be Consistent

As I type this blog post, I am reminded of Murphy’s Law: “Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong…and at the worst possible moment.” This was the story of the final few week of my dissertation. A true rollercoaster, the highs were HIGH and the lows were LOW. But alas, I successfully submitted my dissertation and I now await the outcome with bated breath. I will write a future post detailing the tumultuous final weeks, but this post is about one key lesson learnt over the process…START EARLY and BE CONSISTENT!

In my year as an MSc IAE student, WMG helped get us started by encouraging students to draft research project proposals (or select one proposed by an advisor) and obtain a suitable supervisor as early as October! At the time, this was very overwhelming and indeed daunting. I will make sure to write a blog post on my tips for making an informed choice when selecting an academic supervisor.

So first things first, it is important to understand that there will be times when things won’t go according to plan. However, this is part of the process and rather than dread it and hope it doesn’t happen, remember to patient and kind with yourself when it does in fact happens. I found myself in panic mode multiple times as worry and anxiety besieged me at various points in the process. If I could send a message to my past self (of way back 12 months ago), it would be remaining confident that I would find all the answers to the unanticipated problems…eventually.

Another key lesson is to be consistent. The WMG MSc dissertation is about 900 hours of work, this is about 6 months of applied effort. So the idea of being consistent does not mean you have to pour over the document every day. It just simply means studiously crafting and refining your work throughout the year. I will admit, I am guilty of having procrastinated a few times, but I did do my part nonetheless. There is a flip side to this coin, however. Remember to take breaks and avoid burning out. This can have serious implications on your mental and physical wellbeing. If you do experience any of this, feel free to contact Warwick Health or Student Wellbeing for support.

And so for all those beginning an MSc at WMG, I wish you a fruitful and rewarding year. I had a fantastic time during my year, and I’m sure you will too!

- Karabelo Maloi (MSc IAE)

Tue 13 Oct 2020, 00:43 | Tags: Karabelo Maloi - IAE

Effective Time Management Tips for WMG students

Hey everyone! Welcome to Warwick Uni!

I hope you have been keeping healthy.

Now that you are starting your master’s studies, I wanted to give you some tips on time management based on my experience. These really worked for me and I hope you find these of great use.

  1. Create a schedule. This will help you prioritise tasks and track your progress on the latter.
  2. Use an agenda. This will help you record due dates in an organised way and avoid missing deadlines. There are multiple apps at the reach of your hand for these purposes; give technology a smart use!
  3. Eliminate distractions when working. Disconnect from social media when it’s time to get to work. There are sessions in the library like “Disconnect to Connect”, which are really useful if you are having troubles to concentrate in your room or study place.
  4. Make time to socialise and do things that make you happy! Although the main focus are the assignments, it is really important to make some time to go out with your friends, travel, practice a sport or just relax; it's all about having a balance. Your mental health will appreciate it. I highly recommend weekend trips to nearby cities, such as Stratford-upon-Avon and Birmingham.
  5. Set daily goals. For example, I used to plan a certain number of articles or pages to read or a certain amount of words to write each day.
  6. Start working on assignments early (especially on the dissertation!). For me this is the most important tip. Although you may think you have enough time for everything, things tend to accumulate really fast, so manage your time in such a way that no time is lost from the beginning.
  7. Stick to a routine. This will reduce the uncertainty with regards to the time for completing your tasks. Moreover, I recommend to do this early, so that you can adjust to it quicker.

Feel free to get in touch if you are willing to talk about these, you know where to find me.



Mon 12 Oct 2020, 21:19 | Tags: Cecibel Suarez Acosta - ITSO

How to get ahead with your dissertation from the start

Hey! Hope you’re are keeping well and that you have enjoyed your Welcome Week at Warwick Uni. Now that you might be settled and started to learn how things work, I just wanted to give you a couple of tips to get ahead with your dissertation from the start. As you must know, in the next months you will need to find a dissertation supervisor and a topic to research on. I highly recommend that (if you haven’t) start thinking about what you want to write about. By doing this, you will have more chances to get the supervisor with a higher knowledge on your preferred topic.

Also, you will have interviews with more than one supervisor and you will have more chances to choose your preferred supervisor if you get ahead with the topic and the interviews’ scheduling. For instance, I studied ITSO (International Trade, Strategy and Operations) and before even arriving to the UK I knew that I wanted to write about a trade issue in my country, Panama, so I talked about this to one of my supervisor options and he guided me on possible topics related to these matters. I didn’t even meet with other supervisors, I chose him immediately. But I was able to do this because I moved fast.

If you have no idea about what to you would like to write about, WMG also provides the students with a list of dissertation topics to choose from and I’m sure you will find something that you like there. The key is to act quickly because if you are late, then someone can pick what you wanted. I also suggest that you evaluate your way of working in order to choose your supervisor. For example, WMG supervisors might have more availability in terms of time and are on-campus most of the time, which is convenient for meetings and follow-up sessions. On the other hand, communication can be less frequent with an outside-WMG supervisor. This being said, if you like to keep asking for feedback and having someone always available, you might want a WMG supervisor; if you are more independent, go for an outside-WMG supervisor.

After choosing your topic and supervisor, it is important to start collecting information and synthetizing to start writing. The Study Skills Team is very helpful and have multiple sessions on ‘How to write’ the different dissertation chapters, from the introduction to the literature review to the discussion and conclusion. To give you an overview of my dissertation timeline, this is how I managed to submit mine early:

Dissertation Topic and Supervisor selection – October

Research Outline – November

Literature Review – January to March

Data Collection – April to May

Analysis and Discussion – June to July

Conclusion, Introduction, Preliminary pages – August

Hope this helps and good luck!



Mon 12 Oct 2020, 17:28 | Tags: Cecibel Suarez Acosta - ITSO

Remind yourself of these few things..

· Don't worry, Be happy

Expand your comfort zone, create a nice place in your mind for you to sit and relax, knowing who you can contact in times of need. Remember that Warwick University has a wellbeing centre (see image below), very friendly and accessible members of staff and lots of resources for you to make use of.

· Make the best out of the situation

Learn new skills, join live sessions or virtual events. Generally speaking, be curious. An academic year is about time and emotion management. You need to sometimes step away from your routine not to get stuck. Do not let stress and anxiety take the best of you. Practise meditation, yoga or relaxation session during the year.

· Discover new places in the UK

Setting up an agenda, counting the days, evaluating how much time you take for writing, are all valuable information to note for yourself, this to feel more comfortable for the year ahead. WMG recommends you to write your PMA’s in 4 weeks but teachers recommend you not to use the 4 weeks, instead try and work efficiently in one or two weeks for you to be able to travel and discover new places.

· Think about your "lovely" dissertation topic

Have some thinking about it as soon as you can, the earlier you have a topic the better the process of matching with a supervisor will happen for you.

· Trust yourself

The level of confidence you need to gain is relatively high, so believe in yourself, knowing other students have graduated before you. To start efficiently, you have to believe in your strengths and your ability to grow, strengthening weaknesses you know you have. No one is ever as ready as to when they believe they are. Ask for help is you are stuck, your teachers are there to help. Have two-three friends with whom you can create a bond and socialize this will help you to motivate you but also challenge you on the PMA or Dissertation you will be writing.

Xavier de Wasseige

MSc e-Business Management


Mon 12 Oct 2020, 17:25 | Tags: Xavier de Wasseige - e-BM

Welcome to WMG

Leaving home, arriving in a new environment is never easy. When leaving home you also leave family and friends behind, arriving with dreams and expectations they have for you. Of course and most importantly you may have hopes and dreams for yourself as well, keep them alive.

Not to let anxiety take you, one of the first thing that should be done is taking time with yourself, setting your mind right for the year ahead. The risk of not taking that time for yourself, not looking at the positives of things which are not entirely in your control, you eventually give room for anxiety to grow unnoticed. Something I did, is setting myself small wins, as simple as opening up a bank account or furnish my new room, those things you eventually do on your own. These small things are soon becoming sources of joy when accomplished, from that joy, grow confidence. Taking some time to sit down and plan for the year ahead is a good thing to do. What do I want to achieve other than graduation, what topics I am interested in, will the activities I want to do fit my schedule and will I have time to relax along the way. All kinds of questions, important to be answered.

As mentioned before, your mindset is key! How you decide to show up will determine the interactions and the relationship you will build. Be authentic! Trust yourself, and use your few weeks of settling in to relax as much as you can, discovering campus and checking out the new PG-Hub if you can. It may sound as if you have plenty of time right now, but take that time to socialise as much as the conditions are allowing you to. Check out the new Basecamp on-campus, and do not hesitate to meet new people, even if they are not immediately related to your field of study. It may end-up as good friends later on.

Following classes online is a chance if you have difficulties to express yourself, in a class environment. As such, take that opportunity to gain confidence, asking questions when teachers recommend you to. Do not be shy and make the best out of the situation. If you can, put a picture of you on your Team’s profile for people to recognize you, it will help your classmates and teachers to identify you better. You can do so from your Warwick email address, going on to your profile from the initials on the top right corner.

“Dreams come true but you got to fight for them” - Unknown

Xavier de Wasseige

MSc e-Business Management


Mon 12 Oct 2020, 17:24 | Tags: Xavier de Wasseige - e-BM

Top Tips for New WMG Students!

Hello everyone!

I hope you have all been keeping happy and healthy.

Earlier this week, I presented to about 1000 new WMG students and gave them some of my top tips as a recent WMG graduate. I figured that I would post them on here as well because I am sure that many of you can benefit from them. This is based on my experience so please take into account what works for you and use it to your best advantage! So, without further ado, here it goes…

1. Get involved as much as you can. The Student Union has so many societies to choose from, you are bound to find something that you like. If not, you are welcome to start your own club! Additionally, WMG hosts various events. For example, last year we had course socials and BBQs. There are also some online events you should look out for. If you happen to come across any of these, please don’t hesitate to join in!

2. Enjoy the online learning as much as you can. There will be an adjustment period because everything is new but once you get the hang of it, it should work so well. Using the chat function during class to ask questions is really helpful, especially if you’re shy like me. I did that and I found that it worked really well. Also, using the camera can be so beneficial in building relationships. 

3. Push yourself to try new things. Like joining a new society!

4. Participate in the WMG Skills + Award. I didn’t and I really regret it. 

5. Brush up on your critical analysis skills. This is crucial if you’re aiming to score high. 

6. Research project ideas you may be interested in beforehand. That way when times comes to choose your supervisor and final project, you will be sure of your choices. 

7. Make the most of the university’s’ facilities – both online and offline. Use the careers support team, student support team, ReMe team, study spaces, library and the incredible gym. 

8. Start applying to jobs early on. If you are planning to work in the UK, graduate schemes often open around this time of year. 

9. Choose electives that best suit your desired career paths. You won’t regret doing this!

10. And lastly, be open to meeting new people from other countries. Both students and staff alike. You will be amazed at how much you learn from them. 

I hope these tips help make your year at WMG one of your best years yet. These are tips I would give myself if I got to do my masters year all over again, so I hope they offer some sort of guidance to you.

Please feel free to drop me a message at any time if you would like to talk about them more!

Have a great October, everyone!



MSc International Trade, Strategy and Operations

Thu 08 Oct 2020, 17:01 | Tags: Katrina Gomez - ITSO

Dissertation Heads Up


Dissertation. Dissertation. Dissertation. Yes. Get it in your head. Because it will be with you throughout the year. But this does not have to be a tedious undertaking. In fact, I found I enjoyed the ability to dip in and out of my dissertation over the course of a year. I think I would have found it more burdensome if I was just given three months at the end of the year to solely focus on it.

Marking Criteria and Requirements

There is a lot of dissertation information in a very programme specific and concise manner placed on the WMG website. Information such as what to expect from your supervisor; what should your supervisor expect of you; requirements for a distinction; structure of the dissertation are included. Bookmark these pages. You’ll return to them time and time again.

Find a topic you’re interested in

If you’ve come to Uni knowing what area of research interests you, you’re already ahead of the game! If not, take some time and carefully choose what research you want to do. Remember, this project stays with you for the entire year and being fond of the topic may help with the motivation at certain difficult periods. Don’t rush this phase!

Find a suitable supervisor

We need to select an approved supervisor-an academic or industry practitioner- who specialises in our areas of interests. However, choosing a suitable supervisor goes beyond matching with someone who is an expert within a particular field. We need to know how we prefer to learn. For example, I’m quite independent and disciplined. So, I didn’t need a supervisor who is very hands-on and who would set specific deadlines for certain pieces of work. I’m capable of that myself. So, I chose someone who preferred to be hands-off. I would be the one to initiate meetings and update him on my progress. After all, it was my piece of work! You may have different requirements. When you first meet with a potential supervisor you are interviewing them for the role!

Do dissertation alongside PMAs

This may be tricky since the deadline of the Post Module Assessments (PMAs) are more pressing and PMAs and modules may overlap. But there will be times where you will not have such a strict schedule and you should capitalise and make progress on your dissertation. You’ll be very happy you did that when the dissertation deadline is upon you. Consistency is King!


MSc Cyber Security Engineering

Sun 04 Oct 2020, 20:47 | Tags: Carlyle Collins - CSE

How I Made Friends

New country. New University. New field of study. No friends. 

To be able to navigate the year ahead I needed to ensure I made new friends. Life is much easier when you share it. I did make some friends who were the highlight of my year. I’ll share how I went about meeting some wonderful people during my time at WMG.

Say Yes

Well. I said yes more than I said no. I’m usually quite quick to turn down invitations for social gatherings. But I made it my duty to challenge myself to get out of my comfort zone and meet people. Remember, a year goes by quite quickly! If all you leave WMG with is a quality degree you wouldn’t have gotten all you can from it. Bond with your colleagues.

NB: Ensure if you’re a part of any social gatherings you follow the relevant legal guidelines.

Make Time for People

I was busy. I had deadlines. I went to Warwick with the goal of learning as much as I could. Despite all of this, I ensured I always made time for people. There is always time for a little chat. There is always time to find out how someone is doing. There is always time to show genuine care for others. These actions create strong bonds which can last beyond your time on campus.

Seek Diversity

We are naturally drawn to familiarity. It is easiest to congregate with people who look like us, share similar backgrounds and speak the same native tongues. However, this limits our exposure to the world and robs us of a chance of deeper understanding of the multitude of cultures which exist. There may not be another opportunity where you easily have access to such a diverse group of people. Make the best of this opportunity! Get comfortable understanding different accents; learn greetings from a different culture, and try to see things from a different perspective.

A dear friend I met at Warwick!

Embrace Virtual Events

For better or worse, virtual events are here to stay. So, embrace them! Learn the best ways to navigate these platforms. You will come out of university with a wealth of knowledge regarding virtual events and the world will need your experience. So, utilise all the opportunities WMG arranges. Learn how to connect meaningfully during these virtual meet-ups! 


MSc Cyber Security Engineering

Sun 04 Oct 2020, 20:31 | Tags: Carlyle Collins - CSE

Adapting to Study in the UK

Beginning a master’s degree is an immense undertaking. More so when it is done in a country whose academic expectations and culture is different from yours. Below I present some tips to assist you in transitioning to studying at WMG.

Attend Academic Workshops

Please. I beg of you. Do this! Some of these sessions are mandatory but most of them are optional. But all of them are extremely useful! Tips are given on what is required by the lecturers; examples of Post Module Assessment’s (PMAs) are shown to highlight pitfalls to avoid, and specific skills which are directly applicable to your dissertation are taught. The extra time spent in these sessions is worth their weight in gold!

Don’t Expect to Score 90s

When giving advice it is usually better to be positive. But I’ll deviate from this in this instance. In some of our cultures, an ‘A’ is 90% while for others an ‘A’ may be ‘80%’. In the UK grades such as these are incredibly difficult to achieve, if not impossible. Let me give you an example. I received 78% in a PMA and the feedback basically ended with the module lecturer saying there was nothing much I could do to improve the excellent content. If this was the case, why was I not given 90%? That’s just the way things are in the UK.

So, don’t be heartbroken if you get 65%. That’s a really good effort. If you get 70% rejoice!

Critical Thought is valued

Question the lecturers. Disagree with the lecturers. Have debates. This type of discourse is encouraged and valued. Don’t be afraid of it. In your writing, the same applies. Critique everything. 

NB: Critique does not mean criticise.

Addressing Members of Staff

I was surprised the first time when my lecturer, who has a PhD, encouraged us not to call him ‘Doctor’ but to address him by his first name. That was totally foreign to me. I was raised in a system where it was important to get people’s titles correct or it would be interpreted as disrespect. Not so in the UK. 

Addressing my lectures by their first names took some time to get used to but now I’m completely comfortable with it. And I think this adaptability is a good skill to learn. So, you too can adapt and do this. However, if you find you still cannot change this habit, the lecturers are professional enough and culturally aware to accept you calling them ‘Doctor’ or ‘Sir’.


MSc Cyber Security Engineering

Sun 04 Oct 2020, 20:09 | Tags: Carlyle Collins - CSE

My Favourite Memories

Hello everyone!

When I first joined Warwick, I didn’t know what to expect. All I knew is that I was so happy to be here because I’ve dreamt so long about being a student at the university. It was one of my goals in life that I was finally achieving.

I remember on my first day of orientation, the ITSO course director, Dr. Rebecca Wilde, said that her master’s year was one of the best years of her life. I wondered if that could be the case for me because, if anything, my expectations were really high now.

As my time at Warwick went on, I began to build such beautiful memories. I met the nicest and most fun people on my course who I can call friends now. I made a best friend who has basically become an extended limb of mine. I visited places I had never even heard of before, like North Berwick. I watched the fireworks display over the Kenilworth Castle. I am becoming more myself because I was surrounded by such empowering and supportive people – both staff and students. I got to live in a whole new country in a different part of the world. I mean the list goes on and on!

All I can say now is, Rebecca, you were absolutely right! This has truly been one of the best years of my life. Not even a global pandemic can change that.

Warwick, thank you for being my dream come true.



MSc International Trade, Strategy and Operations

Wed 30 Sep 2020, 15:24 | Tags: Katrina Gomez - ITSO

Is My Project Really Over?!

Hey everyone!

I can’t believe I’m writing this blog. Time just flew by so fast. I can’t even grasp it myself. But… I guess I can say I am finally done with my project! Ahhhh!!! (that’s me internally screaming with joy, sadness, nervousness and every other feeling in case you were wondering).

My entire project journey has been quite the rollercoaster. I started to work on my project early in the year; actually, in the first week of my classes. This was because I had no idea what my topic would be, so, when my International Trade lecturer mentioned a project area in class that sparked my interest, I immediately jumped at the opportunity to talk to him about it.

Despite beginning early, I was still thrown off track by the current pandemic. This was highly stressful as my whole research design had to change and, thus, the rest of my project structure had to change too. This meant that a lot of the work I had already done became worthless. And, on top of that, I had so much of my project to do in the last few months before it was due. I was so stressed and definitely anticipated a number of anxiety attacks to happen.

However, I barely had any! And I began to wonder why. I realised that it was because, despite the hurdles, I was very motivated to do my project justice. I was very passionate about my topic and, so, I kept proactively finding ways to make it a great project. Additionally, I had the best supervisor I could ask for. He was incredibly supportive and was as passionate about my project as I was. Even though, at times when we met I was really stressed, he managed to keep me so motivated and excited that by the end of the meeting, I was eager to work on my project again. I am so grateful to have had him as my supervisor.

By the time I submitted my work, I was so proud of what I had done. Not only did it symbolise my dedication and hard work in a research area I am so interested in, it also wrapped up one of the most meaningful experiences of my life. Completing this project has been so surreal yet so meaningful.

I hope you guys have a similar experience when you work on your project (hopefully not the part about having to change your research design last minute though). And remember, it is okay if you start your masters without knowing what you want your project to be yet. I was in that same position and things eventually worked out. Just make sure to be proactive and passionate about your project. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to send me a message on Facebook or Instagram (@katmgomez).

I hope you have the best week, everyone!!!


MSc International Trade, Strategy and Operations

Mon 28 Sep 2020, 18:23 | Tags: Katrina Gomez - ITSO

IEEE Xplore just published us a paper

As an engineer, I have used IEEE Xplore for my assignments since it is one of the most famous repositories to find papers and publication from the most important authors in the electronics field. Right now, that I am ending my MSc dissertation, I have extract hundreds of papers and read them because I know that if a paper is in IEEE Xplore, it is a trustworthy piece of literature.

Back in March 2020, during my Networks and Communications for the Connected Car, I heard some fellow classmates talking about how busy they were with all their assignments and that they needed to submit a draft of a paper for initial revisions soon. I told them that I was interested in the topic they were writing and that they could count on me. I got assigned entire sections of that paper which was called “A Review and Perspective on Optical Phased Array for Automotive LiDAR”. Then the pandemic came along, and I had to return to Costa Rica and the lockdown hit all of the authors in different manners. Anyways, we keep working and we got to present it to the official revision.

Some days ago, we received an email from IEEE telling us that the paper was already published. That was a huge motivation to close my academic year with a flourish. It can be accessed by clicking here:

As any of your electronics, mechatronics, electronic, manufacture friends, publishing something with your name on it in IEEE is a dream, and I have just accomplished mine. My advice for you all is to keep up dreaming, Warwick University made lots of mine came true.

Braulio Solano

MSc in Smart, Connected and Autonomous Vehicles aka SCAV

Mon 14 Sep 2020, 05:52 | Tags: Braulio Solano - SCAV

Long distance relationship during the masters at WMG

I have had a relationship with my girlfriend for the last 3 years. In those years, we have been apart on various occasions. The first time was when I went to Germany for my bachelor dissertation. At that moment, we were apart for 6 months.  That was at the beginning of our relationship and made our relationship stronger.

When I decided to make my masters in the UK, we had the talk about how we would do. Since we had already overcome a similar situation, we told each other that we could make it again. The key is respect for each other, and do not let the love disappear. Trust me, it is not easy to be alone in a different country, even more, if you had lived with that significant other. Thank God, video calls, normal calls, social media, etc. exist and gave us the opportunity to get in touch daily, because the support from the person you love, or at least in my case, is very important to cheer you up in the moments you think you can’t get over a situation and you feel overwhelmed.  Additionally, in the Christmas break, she got cheap tickets from Costa Rica to come to the UK and spent Christmas and New Year Eve with me.  We got the chance to go to the Scandinavian cities of Oslo and Tromso, Norway and Copenhagen, Denmark. Also, we received the New Year Eve fireworks in London. Finally, we spent some days in Coventry in my apartment.

I’m not saying that you need a boyfriend or girlfriend to overcome your masters at WMG. Obviously, you will make friends for life here at the University of Warwick. However, if you have a significant other don’t feel the obligation to end a relationship because you will be some months or, in the worst-case scenario, the whole academic year without seeing each other. I guarantee you that when you see each other again, your love will be increase by thousands and your relationship way stronger based on trust and respect.

Braulio Solano

MSc in Smart, Connected and Autonomous Vehicles aka SCAV

Mon 14 Sep 2020, 04:41 | Tags: Braulio Solano - SCAV

MSc e-Business Management programme

Before digging into the subject I chose, it is important to remind you of the options you have if you decide to go for an MSc e-Business Management programme. These are the specialism you can choose from:

· Digital Marketing

· e-Commerce

· Digital Consultancy & Entrepreneurship

· Digital & Data Science

The first one, Digital Marketing, is teaching you how to develop your online presence, developing a strategy to focus on one element or embrace all tools such as social media, website or creating email marketing campaigns. e-Commerce is taking the perspective of business online, further zooming on the strategies which you can develop around that business (Logistics, Recommendations, building a website and developing the payment page). You can also choose for the Digital Consultancy & Entrepreneurship route, this will take you through the journey of both Digital Marketing and e-Commerce strategies, taking it from the perspective of a consultant helping a business. Taking the consultancy route you will be able to understand a business as a whole and make recommendations where possible. An interesting module in that programme is learning the finance in e-Business. Finally, the Digital & Data Science programme is designed for people to understand the back-end of an application or programme, developing it further for a business to build on the current technology or to create a new algorithm to read datasets.

The modules, highlighted in bold hereafter, are for you to get an idea of what the Digital & Data Science specialism may cover. It should be seen as an illustrative guide to the modules you will have in the future. Modules such as e-Business Fundamentals, Enterprise e-Commerce Solutions and Digital Consultancy as well as Digital Marketing Techniques are covering the different specialisms mentioned above and will give you a general taste of what the other modules will be covered in-depth. Instead, the reason you would be choosing Digital & Data Science is to gain access to modules such as Big Data, Analytics & Visualisation, Computational Statistics with Python, Data Science & Machine Learning or Cloud Native Computing. Tools covered in those modules are the usage of R to build graphs and predictive models in order to make business decisions. Tools such as Python are also covered, this to get a good understanding of the different statistical models and algorithms, to later test datasets and predict the future. Finally, Cloud Native computing does not only covers tools such as cloud infrastructures like AWS and getting a taste of it but also covers new ways of working in teams developing around DevOps and agile methodologies.

I am slightly biased of course but I think the Digital & Data Science specialism is a nice blend of all the different aspects of modern business. Not only does the specialism focus on the front-end and the marketing of things but you also get the see the hidden parts of the business as well. Getting a taste of Python for you to build models and algorithms as well as applications in the cloud.

All in all, making a choice is hard but we grow to learn that “To choose often means to forsake all other options”. Think carefully and know the reasons for you to do something, will all help ease the decision-making process.

Xavier de Wasseige

MSc e-Business Management


Thu 10 Sep 2020, 22:22 | Tags: Xavier de Wasseige - e-BM

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