10. I say or write new English words several times.
11. I try to talk like native speakers.
12. I practice the sounds of English.
13. I use the English words I know in different ways.
14. I start conversation in English.
15. I watch English language TV shows spoken in English or go to the movies spoken in English.
16. I read for pleasure in English.
17. I write notes or messages or letters or reports in English.
18. I first skim an English passage (read over the passage quickly) then go back and read carefully.
19. I look for words in my own language that are similar to new words in English.
20. I try to find patterns in English.
21. I find the meaning of an English word by dividing it into parts that I understand.
22. I try not to translate word for word.
23. I make summaries of information that I hear or read in English.